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Posts posted by keesha

  1. Dont worry Andy. No one has missed placed the 3/4 choke. It wasnt there to start with. It only comes with the 3 chokes you have mentioned. I just bought the same gun about a month back. And i have never used the full choke. Sticking more withe the half and quarter chokes. They seem to cater for most of my shooting needs. Hope you enjoy your Sx3 as much as i'm enjoying mine. Cracking bit of kit.


    All best



    cheers mate.

  2. Now mate i bought a flapper from pigeon decoys in irland about a year ago and it is still goine strong. my son orderd me a new one for christmas on sunday and it came on wednesday the flapper is a new mrk 5 so cant wait to try it no dout it will b as good as the old one ( just remember to make sure the wings are definatly snapped or it wont last 5 mins as my mate has just found out ) chow

  3. now mate i got my flapper from pigeon decoys in irland i orderd it on sunday and it came wednesday i was out on saturday using my old flapper i shot 63 birds of whitch 18 were woodies the rest were ferils but at this time of year you cant complain. By the way getting back to the flapper i dont use a timer and i prefer to use this than my magnet. All i use at this time of year is 1 flapper and 6 flocked shell decoys this seems to work every time i go out.........

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