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Posts posted by dicehorn

  1. Hopefully Sage off this forum will be along shortly - he is no fan of Tru oil or really linseed- I believe the owners of Purdy and Holland stocks who send their guns to him only expect what Purdy and Holland would use as an oil finish.

  2. Just as an aside, to alot of Police area forces vermin and fox are regarded as two separate entities. In my area, if you have vermin only on your FAC and you shoot a fox, then technically you are in breach of your FAC conditions. In other areas, forces class fox as vermin in the same group as rats and rabbits. With the general concensus that HM Government would like to see less guns in the hands of civilians, it is up to all FAC holders to know what their Police areas regard as vermin.



  3. It feels like both are discharging at once, but could just be very quick succession after the first barrels fired.


    Cheers guys


    Whether you do the right thing and take it to a gunsmith or not, can I ask you to do one thing - without a cartridge in it, close the gun, put the safety off and tap the butt against a hard serface and listen to hear whether the hammer hits the firing pin. If it does - you have a time bomb in your hands - it could come a time when simply shutting the gun smartly would set the gun off.

  4. I have a Blaser R93 with varmint barrel in 22.250 so would never change. Having got that out the way, from your list it would have to be the Sako. I reload for a guy with one of those and that would be my choice - lovely action and bolt.

  5. I have the Fox Pro Scorpion (the expensive one!) conclusion after owning it almost a year - very impressed with it although there are perhaps over 100 sounds that are irrelavent to fox shooters.


    I never go foxing unless I get a request. I start my foxing around mid June when the commercials start getting their birds in which usually coincides with a phone call to me. I dont do much more foxing past October. Last year shot 91 - previous year (without the Fox Pro- 53 ) I know some will say £400+ is a lot of money when cheaper ones are available or even the dodge of using a ring tone of a phone. For those not familiar with this caller - you can put it out about 215 yds from your remote. Once out there, you can switch it on/off change the call to another sound, increase/decrease volume and perhaps equally important pause it if you see a fox (a fox is said to be able to pin point a sound from over 400 yds away within 2 yards)


    I use mine with night vision shooting either out of the window or off the bonnet. I usually put the caller at about 40 degrees to the truck so that a fox does not associate the truck with the sound. Of all the sounds (about 200 plus you can download your own) I find the horseshoe hare the best but have had great success with vole, distressed rat and even guinea pig. When I have got to my field at dusk, I sometimes have a bit of fun by putting the magpie sound on - my best result (but not shooting them) was 6 magpies on top of a round bale with the caller at the base. Come the Spring my new custom 20 tac will sort them out!!


    I have had foxes run past me from behind to get to the caller down the field - with good night vision it is a deadly combination. To tell you the truth, sometimes I feel guilty that I am somehow cheating - but it soon passes when the next fox appears!! Shooting Charley off this forum has been out with me a few times - ask him what he thinks of the Fox Pro.

  6. Well, on behalf of the team - we are suitably embarrassed by the guys above who have posted such kind comments. We have always had a mandate to be different within the gun trade by putting service at the top of the agenda and being available to chat from 10 am to 10 pm or indeed welcome customers during those times and our provincial pricing is achieved by not having high overheads of a shop and staff costs - what you get is just the experience of the four craftsmen.


    PS. Will my friend, I hope that barrel really sings for you when its put on your action - if it does not group better than .3 - take my advice and cut down on the lager!!



  7. dicehorn, i agree with all you have said but if you do not have a bullet that shoots well in your barrel, all the case preperation and cleaning in the world wont make a blind bit of differnece.




    I too can agree with you - up to a point but if you are lax with case prep and cleaning you will never know whether it makes a difference. Too many people change bullet heads thinking its the bullet and are not prepared to look further.

  8. you can buy bump dies. they will knock shoulder back with out touching the neck. where im sure the full length die does it all.


    You are right there Jamie. The problem with full length re sizing is that your die will put your cases back to sammi spec so therefore your cases will technically have to be fire formed again to fit snugly again to your chamber dimensions and in the meantime constantly full sizing severley reduces the life expectancy of your brass. The simple solution with cases that do not chamber well is to use a Redding body die (or called shoulder bump die) - you can use this bit of kit even with loaded ammo. The body die can be adjusted to only move the case shoulder back a few thou to just enable the case to chamber snugly - no other dimensions of the case are effected.

  9. Anybody using Vit N140 for 22.250?

    I have managed to get a cheap tin of N140 and started to use it for foxing with Hornady 55gr V-MAX,starting load 32grns but dont seem to have any accuracy at 100yds can put the odd one in bull or within 1 inch then get one 4inches off the bull probably 1 in 4 shots are too far away from bull for my liking - anybody got ant ideas whats wrong?

    Didnt seem to have any problems with Hogdon powder and sierra hollow points


    Not wishing to sound like a nelly know all, but generally, given a recommended powder for a given calibre in an appropriate twist rate barrel there is no reason (especially with the small calibres) why you should not be able to get your rifle to shoot consistent tight groups. It usually comes down to two simple words - 'case preparation'. In simple terms, if you make each case an accurate clone of the previous one and put the same amount of powder in each, then any distortion in your groups should come down to pilot error. Then comes the variable - if you make perfect cases that throw poor groups - then what's your cleaning regime like? - clean barrel? but did you also get the dreaded carbon build up out of the throat?


    I shoot 22.250 in a factory barrel V max but N150 if I dont shoot too well its .4 but the rifle has many a time shot sub .2 in 5 shot groups - nothing to do with what little skill I have but down to case prep and cleaning regime. I reload for 8 people and all those guys will testify that from a clean bore the second bullet will go where the first bullet went. ShootingCharley on this forum has shot my 6.5 ask him how it shoots from a clean bore!!

  10. Hi Peter I have forwarded the original email to those addresses and the origianl one (which i got from the website)


    Yes - have now received your email - hopefully by now one of the partners has been on the phone to you.



  11. Hmm no reply to the email i sent yesterday at 22:19 seems selective which address did you email? I emailed via the link which actually gave me an @gmail.com account not an @####.co.uk


    HDAV I am sorry I simply have not received an email from you (unless your name is Scott and I have replied to that email enquiry) Can I ask you to try through our website again and if it gives you no joy please try either peter@####.co.uk or exmoordeer@gmail.com - actually try them both with the same message.


    I simply would never ignore anyones email - even an email that comes to nothing is important to us.



  12. They are better than most if not all gun shops and good quality work. E mail them and get a quote. smile.gif


    Hi Shooting Charley - many thanks for the kind comments about our repair business - as Charley already knows I am the only part of the partnership not involved with repairs, refurbishments or the making of parts - I am your first point of contact when anyone contacts UK Gun Repairs. We are always happy to look after any of the UK's shooting forum members


    ATB Peter

  13. am just starting out in reloading .22.250 . can anyone shed some light on the best set ups and bullet weights ? will stick to ballistic tip bullets tho . have really no idea on which cases to use also let alone powders . :good:


    Hi you will be offered many recipes for your 22.250 that work in their brand of gun - you could also look at the Reloadersnest web page and get to know probably another 150 recipes. As you gain experience in reloading you will start to realize that powder and bullet are not the b end and all of producing what your rifle's bore needs but what becomes important is how you set about making each case you reload an exact clone of the last one you made. Once you can acheive this, you will be able to acheive results from most factory rifles like this




    You live in Dorset - I live near Wellington. If you would like to come over sometime, I would be happy to show you my set up and how I do my reloading - bring your rifle and some cleaned fired cases, I will make up some rounds for you to try out on my ground - pick a nice day!!



  14. have a look at the little girl who was attacked in canada, then you will see what i meant! google it :good:


    Yes they will attack small children simply because children are small and do not represent a threat to a large cat - very similar to a dingo in Auz - will go for a toddler but will scarper if confronted by an adult human. We as animals are all the same - we would rather pick a fight with a 4 foot midget than a 7 foot giant - But neither if we have an FAC :yes:

  15. I think the thing we all should bear in mind is that even in their 'foreign' native habitat the cat as in the OP original post historically shies away from humans - they have a natural fear of us - except when defending their young.


    Personally I beleive they are in the UK and for me, if I was out lamping and saw one I would feel priveledged to have seen it and in the unlikely event I thought it was too close to me one shout and it would be gone - just like a fox.


    It could be an age thing though regarding what you would do - the young want to do the gunfight at OK Coral and the older people the David Attenborogh Life on Earth - Hm....... I'm with David :oops:

  16. Always sad to find a deer such as you found Sako - I have come across a few in my time generally ones that have been in a RTA and die several days later - when you find them it seems personal like losing a friend.


    Your idea of the hay seems good - we have not had the quantities of snow you are experiencing but nevetheless my local farmer will let me have some hay to put outside his woods tomorrow.

  17. Just calling in as a new person to this forum - belong to several other UK forums.


    Main interests are Stalking, foxing, vermin control, gun dogs, pheasant shooting and Reloading ( a fanatic reloader) Shoot with FAC air, rim, 2 @ 22.250 6.5 x 55 and o/u shotgun.


    Retired at 50 to get on with the above.


    Know a few of the names on here from other forums including new boy Dekers !!

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