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Posts posted by keepersboy

  1. I always grab the cartridges and put them straight in the bin / if you was on a permission of a farmer you wouldn't leave cartridges on the floor you would just leave your foot prints so that should happen at clay shoots, business or not it's good manners! :)


    Agreed mate!!!

  2. Never been so wet, it was going down my neck and running out my boots, had to tip the water out the barrels before pulling the trigger, every time i pulled the trigger i slid backwards on the mud from the recoil, what a blast, pity you forgot to turn off the sprinklers before we started Alan but thanks anyway, it was an education, we did 22 - 27 - 22 on the flushes, does that mean kills or misses, forgot to ask. thanks everyone. :yahoo: :yahoo:


    Thats how many u missed on each flush!! What a cracking day

  3. Well I am glad I missed the shoot on this occasion , it is plainly obvious that there was some underhand scoring going on , I mean Leeds Chimp straighting a stand it cant have happened surely :lol:

    Glad you all enjoyed it.

    especially after he said he'd had 12 pints the night before!!
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