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Everything posted by A.McCormick

  1. It is Still a **** weapon I Use it. although it is much more reliable now. it does not have the hitting power of the good old SLR. when they originaly came in they were meant to be the caliber of 6.5mm but the government wanted to be the same as america and so used 5.56. but i know people complain that its about maiming and not killing, but what a load of ***********. thanx Alex
  2. Ok cheers mate. so another Midland may be ok or something. There's an unknown make in my local gun shop and it's £95 but needs new pins. Its a good looking gun and fairly old, i'll try and get some pictures of it. thanks, Alex :thumbs:
  3. Ok if i were to get a hammer gun is there a specific make i should try and go for or just get any desent one i find. chears alex :thumbs:
  4. Ye it was. i was realy suprized. but not dissapointed. ok will be good thanks nick. Alex :thumbs:
  5. The Baikal IZH 301 I thought I had is actually a CZ ZH 301. We found this after careful inspection and help from my mate. The CZ mark is very small near the bottom of the barrels. I was told it was a Baikal and thought it was because it is very much like a Baikal. I am amazed. Still a good gun. :thumbs: http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000001.jpg http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000002.jpg
  6. Sorry i dont mean to insult any one. but i just find o/u more difficult to shoot than semis'. Sorry. perhaps i worded it a bit rong. never mind.
  7. I recomend you get a o/u shotgun first, for the SGC. With the over and under it takes more skill than with a semi.(altho they are fun) semis are also frowned apon if you go game shooting and at some clay sites. also i personaly prefuer 3''- 3 1/2'' chambers. just incase you need to go foxing or use a larger load. also i like long barrols , just personal tho realy. multi choke are always good but my main gun at the mo has full and full choke and it does the job perfectly. Oh you could always get a co-terminous lisence.
  8. Shame realy. i realy like shooting older guns. i know its noware near their best guns. i only bought it for rough shooting and maybe a bit of clay. it only cost me £80. and its in good nick. oh I like the feel of the pistol grip on some s/s. thanks Alex
  9. Hi People me agen. What are peoples vues on the Midland Gun Company. especily there older range from the 1950s shuch as the s/s. i reacently bought one. it has realy long barrols, Quit nice i have to say. it has full and cylender chokes. Thanks Alex http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000003.jpg http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000004.jpg
  10. Chears guys. i have got some good info from you lot. oh ye the top part of the action were the opaning lever is the hole bit slides back when you open it.(quite strange). its a very solid gun thogh. the bloke who i bought it off said it dosent dobble detonate. thanks for the advise though. ta Alex
  11. pics finaly http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000001.jpg http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000002.jpg
  12. . sorry people the picture wont be up untill tomoro. most baikals are very sturdy guns(the slightly older ones) . some of the spartan range are ok as well. Thanks Alex
  13. Yes mine is also engraved. and has 2 trigers. a very nice pice. i agree Baikals' are not to be dissregared bye any one. fine guns. thanx Alex :(
  14. Oh ye dont get me wrong all Baikals will do there job without fail. nothing goes wrong with the *******, they are hardy working guns. Alex :(
  15. No i havent got it confuzed with an anti arcraft cannon. ist a baikal alrite. it also has a baikal sling. its full and full choke. o/u. and its the best quality Baikal i have ever seen. :( thanx Alex still working on the pic. should be up on thursday.
  16. Thanx mate. ye its a better quality gun then most baikals. and its 10 years old but never used so as you sed could quite possibly be one of the guns from before the workhorse baikals came on the market. any one else got any idears. thanx Alex :(
  17. Its a 12b shotgun, over and under. its not on the baikal website. ye sorry i missed the I off the IZH. thanx alex :blink:
  18. just ondering if any one had heard of or has a baikal zh 301. i got one from my local gunroom and is the only one like it ive ever seen will post a pic as soon as i can. thanx Alex :blink: http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000001.jpg http://photos.fotango.com/p/eba00536787f00000002.jpg
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