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Posts posted by dazsl

  1. What sort of boiler you got if you have a cylinder thn you have a system boiler this will be feed by a header tank there may be a stop tap if not you will have to tie the ball cock up then drain the system down once you have done this turn the rad valves off on the radiator you want to remove. Loosen the valves on the radiator side don't undo altogether lift the radiator and lay the top on the floor then unscrew it from the valves then carry upside down and empty it to make sure the pipes to the radio are empty find a fitting that will conect to the rad valve with a hose connected too it open the valve then you can take the valve off easy when you now how or get a plumber in

  2. My Cocker started vomiting early yesterday also had diarrhoea then then foam he vomited turned pink then he started to pass blood off to the vets and was diagnosed as some forms of poisoning the vet said there had been quite a few cases in the Doncaster area over the past couple of months and it seems as though the only contact the dogs have had with anything are playing with plastic bottles on such as playing fields so be careful and watch what your dog picks up dog is okay we hope that there is no long term damage

  3. Don't worry about it used to run a old rover on red all the time couldn't get any for a couple of weeks so used white got pulled and they took a sample from my tank didn't find anything wrong most of its myth no staining no trace and a large amount of pumped diesel cam be bleached red but I would not condone using it

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