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Posts posted by kevinbird

  1. what do members do regarding their dogs in the field during extreme cold weather. my lab (daisy)(dont laugh :sly: )has a coat but still shivers :oops: . i was thinking about something on the floor to keep her dry :hmm: . i know some people will say " dont be such a soft T**t" but i think she deserves consideration as she is the one that does all the work as i am sat inside my popup drinking coffee and keeping warm.what do members do, if anything. kev

  2. hi aid, i have used the sentinal in the past but i have now changed to a pulsar digital night sight. the sentinal i had was a gen 1+ and the range was about 80 yards max although you could see the eyes at a much further range. no problems with the sight at all apart from its limitations. the pulsar is no good at all during the day as the view is very poor but at night it is astounding. i have my sights mounted on a cz american 17 and shoot rabits out to 150 yards in the pitch black with excelent recognition. before you buy take a look at the difference between gen 1 and gen 2 and also have a look at digital sights as they are improving all the time and they cost less than their counterparts. just one word of warning about digital sights "you have to get used to them" . kev :good:

  3. a friend of mine had the same problem with missfiring so he took it back to the shop. tried the following day and still the same problem. took it back for a second time and told them the problem was still there. after a week away (back to the manufacturers) he tried the gun again and he still had the same problem. when he had a misfire he gave me the cartridge, on closer look i noticed that the seating collar of the shell was very thin, i then went through some of his cartridges to see if i could see any that looked thin and low and behold i found several.i asked him to try the rest and all went off with no misfires. when we tried the others we had all misfires. the cartridges that he was using was from the local clay club and were typical cheepies. once he changed to a reputable cartridge the problem went away. the problem was that the shell sat to low on the ejectors and the firing pin couldnt reach for a full strike. the moral of this story is dont buy c**p :good:

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