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Posts posted by Shropshire_Lad

  1. I think you need to shoot a few. I shoot a Beretta 12 bore which fits as good as it can off the shelf, off the back of that I bought a Beretta 20 bore thinking they would be pretty much the same as regards gun fit. Not so, could not get my chubby cheeks low enough on the twenty bore, a browning 725 20 bore was near identical though. Wood is what it is, it can move quite a bit, try a few.


    atvb Paul.

  2. I too have been having troubles on driven. After many years of rough shooting and a full summer of clay shooting I was feeling quite smug about my first season at trying some driven birds ...how hard can it be ? Oh dear, how embarrassing. It started off bad and has got worse !! Nothing high on this little shoot, tree tops at most may be a bit higher but I can't find them. Confidence and all reason gone out of the window now. On a bird like this what kind of lead are we talking about if you swing through or shoot maintained lead, just roughly to get me somewhere near once more because I'm going from one extreme to the other ! It does not help that chances are thin on the ground so not much chance of practicing so to speak. Great thread by the way.

  3. We did manage to get our cut outs done and tops in place but cracked on the final polishing. It is just not strong enough to cope with insets cut out of it. From a fitters point of view far too risky of a product to work with. We won't be touching the stuff again .

  4. Thank's guy's for your feedback. Sitsinhedges, We treated these 20 mm tops as if they were royalty , at no time worked on unsupported and always carried by two of us edge on, I don't see how we could do it different next time to be honest. Interesting about no more than 400mm of span too, looks like 800mm is stretching it a bit too far !! To be honest the customer has been fantastic and has been with us all the while and was there when it went ping while polishing. The Rep is out this week to take a look at their wonderful tops and design layout.

    team tractor, do your tops stain easily ? we got there this morning and these white tops were already staining from spilled Tea . It polished out ok but there is no way you would want that hassle all the time.


    atvb Paul.

  5. One for the Kitchen fitters/joiners on here. Last week I and a colleague were asked to fit a kitchen with these work tops. One a long length , 3m with a cut out for a 1m inset sink. The other two 625 wide by 2.5m long, back to back to form an island unit with a 800 hob over a draw unit. From the start we stated we thought it too weak, not fit for purpose. We proceeded to fit them as asked as the customer assured us they would be ok. We made a support bench out of 4x2 PAR 3m long by 600 on a totally flat surface to do all the machining. All went well, all corners had a radius machined on them and the long joint on the island resin glued together. While going through the sanding/polishing process the island top cracked on the corner of the hob cut out, gutted:-( Any one else had bad experiences of this type of product ?


    atvb Paul.

  6. Thanks guy's. It was the best I could find and afford in left hand. Mrs Shropshire Lad has been amazing over the last couple of years , our kids have always come first and now they are grown up it's our turn ;-) My wish done next year all about my wife .... That grade five does look stunning but five only ever made ? Not sure its worth an extra 1.5 k , that said not sure mine is worth the same amount over our Bettinsoli . Having said that I shot all day yesterday and kept looking at my pride and joy and had a smile a mile wide lol.

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