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norfolk dumpling

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Posts posted by norfolk dumpling

  1. There was an interesting documentary on Herpes as while ago where they have weekly auctions of undelivered parcels - here you bid for the contents of a large plastic box and take pot luck on the value. Successful bidders usually make a profit: some a very good profit if there is tech included but the reporter who investigated  followed up on the failure to deliver information and in almost every case was able to locate address and person. Apparently their failure % is within industry levels of acceptability but still represents hundreds of thousands of disappointed customers annually.

  2. Apparently we have agreed to a further £30m! And I understand - see my earlier post - unaccompanied under 18s are our responsibility and we support them until they are 25. Under 16s are fostered -at huge expense - so the £30m is a good deal if the Frogs 'stem the tide'

  3. It's who registers the vehicle in the first instance I believe. If you are a company VAT etc then twin cabs get N1 category and same rules as for vans Ie speed restricted on non-motorways ie 50mph single carriageway or 60mph dual carriageway. If you are an individual and not VAT reg. then you get M1 and can drive as a car. Speed cameras differentiate - some of my colleagues got caught when we had to get 1,000 hired twin cabs to the military a few years ago. Confusing to see one going passed you at 70+ when you are sure you cannot exceed 60.

  4. Did I hear correctly if you arrive on our shores and you are under 25 you are automatically considered for UK residency? I was driving and caught a news article where that was the opening sentence and then the debate ensued about "...all young men, all lacking any papers, all claiming not to speak English" etc etc which seemed to tie in with the initial statement that nearly caused me to crash my car. If this is correct then get the Navy out there pushing the boats back at once.

  5. It's now looking a little more sinister than I originally though. It seems that my employers are using our zero hours t's & c's to run down driver numbers (and possibly getting £1k bonus for those remaining!). The work isn't there so we are told off furlough phone your manager. We phone manager who says yes some work offered to a handful of drivers and we will contact you if work increases. Ok so when? In a months time! So no money from government and no paid work so hardship for drivers (not me as this is fill-in work in my retirement) but for others this will be a major problem.

  6. Myself and a few colleagues have been told to report for work - we are off furlough. However having contacted the office manager it seems there is little work for us to do and those who remained are sitting around or doing short days. This is zero hours work so it appears company may be taking the £1,000 'return to work' bonus but then not supplying any paid work. I was up for redundancy but this would cost them money. Is this a fiddle?

  7. Nothing changes - 50+ years ago my dad was working as a carpenter on the University of East Anglia and he, a skilled tradesman, was very upset to be forced to use shorter screws to hang heavy doors (dozens of them) than he knew from experience were necessary. This was to speed up process. Two years later he was earning good (better) money re-hanging those doors!


  8. I think some companies are playing games here! The one I work for has taken back a few staff but they are working their nuts off and multi-skilling ie doing a lot outside their job descriptions and another big multi-national where orders have picked up quickly still have a high % furloughed and the ones re-employed are suffering. I realise there is huge uncertainty but this is wrong and may change the workplace for a long time. 

  9. 18 hours ago, Lloyd90 said:

    Yes, brilliant support from the ambulance folk fair play. 

    Point was you can’t blame social services for something they didn’t do, or weren’t involved in. 


    It was the hospital / health board / local CCG that tried a dodgy discharge. It’s absolutely rife at the moment. Family’s with POA not even being involved in decision making before people are out of hospital. People being sent to care homes when they could go home. 

    They have thrown us (Social services) out of the hospital and since then we are having terrible discharges of people who are either not supposed to have left hospital as still really unwell, or completely messed it all up and didn’t follow the legal process in anyway. 

    No blame on Social Services - it was dreadful treatment by our local hospital ie returning the old fellow home with cannula in his arm, claiming they had carried out various tests and he was ok (he was oh so far from OK) and missing infected boils. This when for 10yrs an extensive care package had been put in place to ensure their wish to die at home could be met.  Thank god for the guys in the ambulance!

  10. 24 minutes ago, Lloyd90 said:

    It’s the hospital discharge who are responsible for making sure the person has hospital bed etc etc etc before they go home, and they have referred to social services for care if needed. 

    If they sent him home with none of that in place that again is a failure of hospital discharge and nothing to do with social services. 

    I think you are missing the point - he had extensive care in place but hospital tried to ride rough shod over this and family's wishes and put him in a home. Ambulance paramedics realised he needed both more treatment and care and arranged for this.

  11. Whilst our hospital were hopeless here, which was no surprise, the stars were the ambulance team who, when they brought f-i-l home, realise he still needed medical attention (and sorted this locally) and arranged for him to have a hospital-style bed and other kit. This they did in conjunction with Social Services (who should have already arranged!!) plus they recommended extra nursing care which with a GP visit significantly improved his life, his wife's burden and of course reduced pressure on my wife. We are currently 'shielding' our disabled lad who also is a long-term cancer sufferer so there was a few days where the pressure on our family was huge - all because of a foolish understanding of an instruction to 'clear the decks' before the C19 wave hits us locally.

  12. I've walnut, chestnut and 4 decent sized hazel bushes and I live between two woods and a water meadow so wildlife opportunities are endless. I've watched pheasants and they concentrate on buried hazel nuts. Just noticed this morning something has taken a fancy to water lily leaves. Only ones close to side which a quick google suggests Mutjac! Don't you love nature.

  13. Yep although my lawn too is being ruined by pheasants digging up the hundreds of nuts squirrels have buried last autumn/winter! Watched one little sod try to bury a bramley apple after he had hidden a few nuts! He disappeared before the airgun was ready. Isn't nature wonderful!? AND just to make our lives more 'interesting' this little fellow pruned our pear trees last year....


  14. On 4 June 2020 at 10:17, old'un said:

    If you have any nest boxes for other birds make sure they have a metal plate covering the entrance hole, woodpecker will take the eggs and chicks of other birds.

    And..... A few years ago we were awoken by a spotty removing a large section of the barge board in our 17th century cottage. The sound, when you are fast asleep, is a bit like a road drill attacking your house. This evil deed was to get at baby blue tits! He or his mates, removed all the house martin nests from my neighbours house AND then they started removing thatch from another neighbours property.

    There is a point where tolerance levels are exceeded!!

  15. No doubt there was a panic to clear the decks of oldies but my father-in-law had a minor injury, had care in place, did not have C19 and was returned with cannula in place and the charge nurse lied about the tests. This is Norfolk where C19 rates very low so very very poor how our local hospital behaved. The ambulance guys admitted the ward concerned - a specialist non-C19 area - was very quiet and so better care should have been the case no no care. 

    What, of course, they wouldn't have known was other matters which were putting my wife under huge pressure which I must say pushed us very close to talking to lawyers. Even now this has left a scar - my wife was an NHS manager and former nurse and was horrified by the dreadful treatment. 

  16. We should see some benefit from lockdown on motor as there will be a massive saving from 10wks of 90% drop off in traffic particularly in urban areas where most crashes occur. I know other forms of insurance may suffer - travel, business interruption etc although there are  some refusing claims - but increases on motor must be minimal or none. If your renewal increases shop around.

  17. This is one aspect of the pandemic I suspect will generate a lot of investigation in the near future. We got caught up in this during the early days of lockdown and it was a horrible situation for my wife to handle: her 98yo dad - very poorly with cancer/heart probs - suffered a minor accident and because of his other issues got rushed into A&E late pm. Next day when my wife rang to see how he was she was told ok, done several tests, sending him to an OAP home as he has no care at his house! This is in accordance with Gov legislation - really??!To cut a long story short Wife pointed out he has an extensive care package at home (not the best but lots of agency carers and he is near end of life and wants to die at home) so very reluctantly he was sent home BUT when he arrived back his cannula was  still in, Paramedics didn't like looks of him and got doctor to him - he had severe were infection, thrush infected patch on his belly and severe bed sores! Anyhow Ambulance team got him sorted but no doubt here he would have died in a care home. Very very distressing.

  18. We are zero hours  - work when required and the hours are different every day so only way they could sensibly pay us is 80% of last full year which was how we were notified it would be calculated but as I said we seem to have been overpaid. I'm 100% certain this would not come out of our employers pocket - they are as tight as a ducks proverbial!

  19. I'm not sure what is happening with my pay - I'm furloughed in my p/t job and was told I would be paid '80% of my (variable) 2019/20 earnings' . Having just had my P60 this should have been an easy calculation but so far I've had 100% April and 110% May! I don't need the money - this is basically to keep me out of mischief in my retirement but if this is what is being recovered from the Government someone can't count.

  20. Be careful with the newer ones - my company does courtesy vehicles of sickly Volvos and the two variations we regularly see with major electrical failures are the new style XC60&90. It is 'computer says no' - blank screen no action. Love driving them but would go Audi or BMW. Sometimes there are bizarre happenings like boot lid opening when car being driven and they refusing to close but again it is the software.

  21. OH and I had a really strange cold/flu in early Feb. We are both late 60's so a little worrying but it didn't last long. I had one day during this episode where my muscle, joints and skin all very painful and for me it hurt when I peed. A couple of strong painkillers fixed it but there was an hour or two when I wondered whether I was infected. No after effects so I would like to know sometime what this was.

    My neighbour and good friend works in NHS mental health and one psyche hospital he visited had just been tested and in excess of 10% were positive but a symptomatic which rather shocked the bosses as the actual infection rate at that point in time for that premises was low. It seems as if infection is very random even where multi-contact occures. Very very odd.

  22. Little egrets are regulars here in Sth Norfolk. I live near a small river and water medows and egrets are frequent and welcome visitors. Startlingly white when they roost in trees nearby. On the minus side I've heard say they are partial to our frogs and newts and are having a detrimental impact.

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