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Posts posted by delburt0

  1. well ladies hope you had a better morning than me, 16/50,,,sporting.. 22 won it **** wind was untrue must have been 60mph out in the open we were gunna call it but decided to shoot, gun cleaned been shoppin going out for din dins and to watch city get a penalty against baby fergies boys,,,, SCORES WOULD BE GOOD i wonder did todd beat tony ????? ... hope you all enjoyed delburt..... :hmm::good:

  2. hope your all happy im stuck in my house as we speak, with 4.. 9 yr old girls upstairs having a sleepover screeming there heads off this is for my daughters birthday on sunday,"hence me not been able to make it" i wish you all good shooting, remember your hats & glasses,, hope you all choke on yorkies and the beefs come from a mad cow ...........needs to be sorted again for new yr i hope...........ATB delburt0 :santa::santa: ...... ps gunna club nar... :yay:

    by the way tony i dropped on todd last week at swillington buying his new gun,,,, is it normal to buy 5000 claybusters with a new gun :hmm:
  3. hope your all happy im stuck in my house as we speak, with 4.. 9 yr old girls upstairs having a sleepover screeming there heads off this is for my daughters birthday on sunday,"hence me not been able to make it" i wish you all good shooting, remember your hats & glasses,, hope you all choke on yorkies and the beefs come from a mad cow ...........needs to be sorted again for new yr i hope...........ATB delburt0 :santa::santa: ...... ps gunna club nar... :yay:

  4. thank god im not the courier, i dont think he will be the same again,,, when he said case stuffed fox do you think they have stuffed him with suitcases... :sad1:

    might buy it for the mother in law for crimbo... :santa:

  5. been this morning can anyone that has been "tell me" do you find the looper l to r over the water easy it was the only bird that defeated me @ the rabbit stand, ,it had to be one of the most annoying birds ever, it got 4 thrown at it then i ragged in,, only went on the sporting with me been on my own the skeet needs a few to be a good crack...

    enjoyed it though im going to try and make it a bi monthly thing @ 22p a bird you cant knock it. if i dont get on the 9th what with a birthday party and my lads football i hope you all enjoy... :yay:

  6. rammer burt commented on me getting a cynergy against a 38 teuged or 525 but they all fit me the same come up , point and swing all as well , so when it comes down to it, i must be odd because i went for the cynergy even though the sxs brigade frown down on these, "even though

    myself own a couple of nice sxs" i feel it deserves a chance after looking at the mechanics and science behind it, and as well as its good looks "in my opinion" some say there good looking some say there ugly it deserves a yr or 2 in my cabinet...,"if i could score 25/25 with a battered 25 yr old shovel i would use it" :good:

  7. excellent thx for that ive never been before , well not till 10 in morning anyway, it would have been nice for someone else to shoot with, but you never no with a new gun i will no wheather marmite or not b4 11 ??? ill put my own remarks to the the cynergy before tommorow evening.......... :hmm:

  8. lol thx im going to ring park lodge in morning, i just dont want to put anyone out to trap for me or been a pain in the **** , ive just phoned one of lads and he told be that pinewood will send a trapper out with me and you just get a counter so you can just pay for what you use, i cant make it on the 9th its a real shame but due to a special littles girls 9th bithday aka my daughter ...

  9. well picked a new gun up today and i am wanting to go clay shooting tommorow barnsley,donny,area, only downside i will be on my own, lads who i go with are working todd off here fancied it but cant make it , with me been on my own can anyone suggest a club with a trapper or voice control that is open tommorow so i can shoot on my own?

    i will probably drop on someone to go around with... with it been a friday but you cannot guarentee this.

    views tonight appreciated ta craig... :good:

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