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Posts posted by Thelongwayup

  1. I'm working there next monday. Weird place when we went to do our survey for some awnings. It's set down in an actual farmers land which isn't visible from the road. Bet the chances of getting a permission there are slim to nothing.


    I'll have to keep my eyes well and truly opened for said chest lumps whilst there. :yes:

  2. What a bizarre incident. Glad the dog and you are okay.


    He would have had the shock of his life had he tried to or indeed grabbed my border collie if he didn't know him.....I wouldn't have had to raise a finger. My collie is a bit keen and very protective.

  3. Been snowing constantly since 5am friday here in Huddersfield. Most roads were clear enough to drive safely by lunchtime but soon covered over again. Just got back from Manc airport and the whole ring road, main routes to the motorway etc are all covered with cars struggling. Dropped the in laws at home and had a good foot easy of snow to get through on their private road. AT2's managed easily though. :-D

  4. I can give an honest and genuine answer to this as I have used both on my L200. We fitted proper pirelli scorpion snow and ice tyres prior to our trip to the top of Norway. We hit snow just above Stockholm which varied from slush to soft fresh snow to hard packed snow and then ice. The Pirelli's performed excellently with no twitching, sliding or untoward behaviour. We were doing 60mph down a twisty mountain pass with confidence. We were also in 4h mode. They took a few miles to trust them and you still have to alter your driving to suit the conditions.


    I now have General grabber AT new shape tyres fitted. Offroad they perform very well in shallow mud and soft snow. On hard packed snow though they do twitch and slip a bit and I don't fully trust them in tight corners even in 4h mode. In slush they twitch about a touch too. Dry or wet roads though and they seem to handle really well and even drive quietly.


    If I could afford a spare set of wheels I would stick some proper snow tyres on steels for winter time. Save the At's for the alloys and summer.

  5. Such a sad and scary thread. I lost both my best mates 2 years ago and still miss them like mad even though I have another one now.


    Yes you did the right thing but hearing that won't make your upset and pain any easier. I'm really sorry to hear of your loss.


    RIP Dali and my thoughts are with you and your family at this sad time.

  6. Only gun related incident I have had to date was as a young lad and pinching apples and pears from a local farmers orchard. We had all heard of rumours he shot at you with salt pellets if seen. We wised up to this one day and decided to have a go at getting a bag of pears. We all stuffed football pads down the back of our jeans as he always shot at your backside. We must have had a near full bag of pears and were heading back up the orchard when we heard him shout and a loud crack, swiftly followed by a stinging sensation and discomfort to the back of our legs.


    Only time i've had an accident when out shooting with a mate was crossing a barbed wire fence. We always unload and hand the shotguns to whoever isn't crossing the fences to be safe. My mate handed me his and jumped over the fence no problem. I passed the shotguns over to him and also jumped. However, as I jumped I slipped and went over the fence in a right lump ripping my leg open on the fence and falling into my mate knocking the barrels into his chin resulting in a nasty cut for him.


    Don't think the farmer had laughed as much in all his life when we turned up at his house asking for clean water and plasters etc. Just glad we always unload them.

  7. I like the weird idea that the hand transplant guy has got someone else's hand.


    How long before he does the obvious with it? Will it feel like someone else? :ermm:

    Surely using another mans hand to do the obvious to yourself is a bit gay aint it? :eh:
  8. I would say max it takes 3 pulls, one or two with the choke out then after it fires push the choke in and away it goes, I haven't had to use the decomp yet - seems easy enough to pull too.


    Any ideas on the grease gun?




    A few tips in that link mate but I don't like the idea of greasing the end of my bar. Grease seems to attract dirt and debris like mad. Once you grease it surely it would turn to a grinding paste? Also how would you clean it properly with it being a sealed bar that you can't open? I'm not convinced about greasing mine. I know a few arborists who also leave theirs dry for similar reasons.
  9. Save me typing it all out...




    Cracking saw. I have a 455e that powers through pretty much anything I need it to. Little tip if you didn't know for easier starting...


    Choke on, decomp pressed, primed six times and pull till it fires. Once it fires and stalls knock the choke straight off and pull again. It should fire straight off or within two pulls. the husky manual says keep it on till it fires. Doing it their way only ends up flooding it and leaving you with a worn out arm. I found out the hard way until I was shown by a mate who runs husky's.

  10. ive got a 06 l200 warrior and its great its been offroad loads........just check the animal has centre diff locks as one i road tested didnt and it had 17" wheels which you will find hard to get offroad tyres for.

    My warrior is on 18's. You want to try sourcing decent tyres for that! Just ordered a set of GG AT's for it. Mine has traction control and difflock fitted. Drives very well, great on juice, handy offroad when fetching logs in. If we need to go to some areas of the farm where it's as rough as chuff and wet we use the little vitara due to not being fussed about damaging it.


    Only downside I find is there are no blanks on the dash anywhere to fit extra switches. It's a commercial vehicle and a lot end up having lights and other stuff on but you have to drill the dash to fit a switch.


    oh and road tax is cheap on the earlier Euro 4 engined new shape ones. £125 a year for mine. Insurance isn't the best on them mind so do check.

  11. Dedicated snow tyres! We drove to the top of Norway earlier this year with Pirelli scorpion snow and ice tyres on the L200. We only put the car into 4wd twice on severe mountain descents for a bit more control should we require it. Not once did we slide and always had traction. We even tested them under hard braking from 60mph in a large layby on hard packed snow and ice. No sliding just a very controlled stop. They even pulled us out of a 12" deep snowed over car park with no effort or bother and I think that was in 2wd.


    They take a bit of time to gain trust in them but once you do you soon realise you can drive relatively normal provided you are driving carefully and not like a muppet who thinks he's suddenly invincible. Ours were on 18" alloys but it's better to stick them on some cheap steels which won't get damaged by salted roads and saves you the hassle of going to the tyre place to have them swapped over. Just stick them on when the weather turns and dry store your summer tyres in the garage.

  12. I took our old collie once for his anal glands doing. Vet asked me to hold the dog still as he may squirm about....Never warned me about the horrific stench. I retch quite easily with some bad smells but holy jesus! I wasn't ready for the odour that kicked ten shades out of my nostrils and turned my stomach inside out. I left the vet with his fingers deep and dashed outside and emptied my dinner on the path by the door via my mouth and nose. :sick:

  13. used to light our awning like blackpool ilumiwhatnots and very warm too

    What kw heaters do you have fitted and how long you had them? We fit awnings, lights and heaters for a few big named companies so there is every chance if they were fitted professionally, we did them.

    Are they any good? :hmm:

    What are you wanting them for? Outdoor heating or indoors? If outdoors, then go with Tansun rio ip ones. If possible go with 2kw ones. Best bet is to fit two if outside for complete comfort for all sat out to feel the benefit. You can either run them from a remote control system or an exterior ip rated wall switch. They aren't cheap though so sit down when finding out a price then add on for fitting and possibly programming. If it is an exterior application and you need more info then feel free to ask any questions.
  14. Normally love them but not tonight. Gas board are frantically digging loads of holes on our road trying to shut down a huge gas leak. We've all had leaflets asking us not to let fireworks off tonight or smoke outside. The whole area stinks of gas. The guys think they will be digging and trying to stop it until at least 4am. :unsure:

  15. Put my renewal in a while ago with my local force. Sorted my paperwork out etc and sent it back just before they sent me a reminder to get them back asap. The wording on it was a bit odd. I certainly don't class my firearms and shotguns as 'weapons'. Surely a weapon is something you would use in a fight or such and not an item used for sporting purposes?


    Before anyone thinks it I have no axe to grind with the police etc and to be honest, my FAO was brilliant and more interested in the sea fishing I do and the trip I went on. I just found the wording on the letter strange.


  16. My mate had one fitted 3 years ago after arguing for almost 2 years about why he wanted one. He's a farmer and could barely stand on his original knee after a bad road accident. Eventually NHS gave in and fitted him a new one. Had nothing but trouble with it constantly collapsing and causing severe pains. Went back last year for a replacement one and almost immediately knew something wasn't right. He still struggles to walk more than 50 yards without stopping and looking like he is close to tears with pain. The consultants have agreed again something still isn't right and he goes in again for a third time in December for a 'spacer' putting in this one he has.


    If 'GG' has severe pain with it Webber, get him to get it looked at and hound them for a result. Toughing it out isn't always the best route where your health is concerned.

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