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Posts posted by TbirdX

  1. I got pulled for putting three in my semi auto at a ground once.

    "Oi, don't put three in your gun"

    "I'm not"

    "Yes you are I've been watching"

    "Well you're not too observant then are you"

    "You fire two, then load two but you never chamber a round, that proves you have one the barrel"

    "Come here.....see my bolt locked back, watch when I load the first road, it auto chambers.....hence I don't need to chamber." 

    The gun in question is a Browning Maxus semi that loads the first round automatically.


    I now use an Ithaca M37 pump all the time at the clay ground, never had any problems using it, it's great fun to shoot, perfectly acceptable where I shoot and I couldn't really give a fig what anyone else thinks about it.


    On the subject of spent carts, usually, when I enter a stand I have to kick all the emptys out of the way before I start. I eject ten and probably pick up 20 most times!!!


  2. I have to say that my own experience with Medcert comes nowhere near those above. 

    I can only say I have no faith in them at all. I started my application in early January. I'm still waiting and I get no real answers from them at all, and that's when I can reach them.  They never come back to me, despite repeatedly saying they will and all I ever get is that they are chasing the surgery.

    8 weeks after the supposed original SAR went in, I was phoning for updates and being told they were chasing every day. I myself went into the surgery and spoke to them and they said they had no such SAR request. 

    2 days after Medcert said they sent a 2nd request, I went into the surgery and checked and this time they have it. I phoned Medcert and asked for an update, we're chasing, the usual answer, I asked, given the circumstances, if anyone had checked to see if the surgery had confirmed they had it, we'll do it and get back to you. No surprise, they didn't.

    So three months later and counting I'm rapidly approaching my renewal date and can't begin my application. The latest call today yielded the usual, we'll call you tomorrow, I'm not holding my breath.

    Not impressed with them at all and will certainly never use them again.


  3. Had ours around 3 years now. Went from a D3 to this 4x4 TDi 140 Elegance.

    Tow a bailey 534 with it, copes really well and costs a fraction of the price to run the D3 did. In every respect.

    Had new brakes, tyres and general servicing. Only problems were a broken rear spring, (which happened before we were towing), about £65 replaced as I recall and a sensor failure, which was £35. Everything on/in it has an Audi/Vw stamp on it, quality of everything is very, very good.

    Love the shape of it myself, doesn't look like all the other generic, bland boxes on the road.


    You can't go too far wrong with a Yeti imho.

  4. My Maxus has a self loading feature that auto chambers the first round. It's thrown a few people who see me load it and assume I'm using three for some reason.


    My pump is bottom loading, bottom ejecting so dumps spent shells at my feet.  No distraction to anyone else and as easy for lefties as righties!

    I much prefer my pump action for clays, it's just a really fun gun to shoot.



  5. The human rights problem can be fixed easily.


    Keep it, as is, in full, just add one sentence right at the beginning,


    "If you violate or hold the human rights of others in contempt then you will forfeit those rights yourself."



    I'm sure someone more eloquent could write it better but you get the jist.


    Why should a criminal behead an entirely innocent person on the streets of our country and then hide behind the very same rules he showed no regard for. It's madness.

  6. I recently sold a 2nd property and had to pay tax on it. I had never lived there however.


    My take on it is if you only have the one property you'll probably be ok, but I would take proper advice on it. If you own two properties in your name I'd expect you'd be liable for CGT unless the property you were selling was your main residence.

  7. She had pointed out a ring she liked months before. I dismissed the idea at the time but went back and bought it the next day.


    Then I asked my in laws for their permission to ask their daughter for her hand in marriage.


    Then I set about locating a suit of armour.


    Having secured the use of one I then went to the local stables and procured the use of a suitable white steed.


    Then, with some collusion from the in laws, I got dressed up in the armour, and collected the horse outside the house.


    I knocked on the front door, she answered. I gave a short monologue about returning from the crusades to claim the hand of the fairest of maidens and on bended knee produced the ring and proposed.



    28 years later and still going strong. :-)

  8. BASC has been working closely with Essex Police to address the backlog of applications and delays. Following a meeting with the licensing team in November, Essex Police agreed to implement a new renewal process for shotgun and firearms certificate holders. Once Essex Police have undertaken the relevant background checks, and are satisfied that there are no relevant medical issues declared by the applicant, then a renewed certificate will be issued. This system will only be used in cases where the result of a risk assessment is positive. Otherwise a visit from a Firearms Enquiry Officer will be required. However this will only occur in a minority of cases.


    The change in procedure, which took effect from 1st January 2017, means that the Firearms Licensing Department should no longer need to issue temporary permits as a matter of course. This will considerably reduce the bureaucracy and free up resources to tackle the backlog. This will improve efficiency and the service Essex Police provides to those who shoot.


    BASC will continues to assist Essex Police in implementing best practice. A further meeting is scheduled to take place next week.





    Well you might want to go back to them as, clearly, they are still issuing temps in 2017. I know this because I have one.

  9. That's very interesting Scuta, thank you.


    Well, a condition was declared, as it was on the previous application but nothing on that list and certainly nothing that would affect a license, or, one would presume any kind of medical report beyond whatever is normal.


    I will print it out and pass it on. we'll see where it goes.


    How are you by the way? Such sad news about Colin.

  10. The cert is pre-dated to start upon expiry of the current cert yes, but not on the basis a doctors report is required in the way you make it sound.


    Nothing has changed as far as the applicants health is concerned since the issue of the current cert. In fact, none of the circumstances have changed at all excepting being 5 years older. (that goes for both the applications mentioned above)


    Popo has asked the doctor the same questions, I assume, it asks for every applicant. The doctors, I presume, are saying it's more than before and a charge will be incurred for the time. I'm guessing shotgun certs aren't part of the NHS remit and so I can see why a charge might be applied/appropriate.


    I'm just trying to establish whether anyone else in Essex has had similar or if anyone has had to pay a docs fee.

  11. If you didn't ask the Dr why should you pay ?


    I have just got a new rifle are you going to send me £1100 it's the same



    No, it isn't the same thing at all.


    Your firearm application is dependant on certain criteria being met, if it's not met you won't get your cert will you.


    If your local popo asked your docs for a yea or nay on your cert and they heard nothing, what do you suppose their response is likely to be? I very much doubt they'll shrug their shoulders and issue you a cert anyway.

  12. Well I'm not sure what's going on tbh.


    The cert is pre-dated, so not current, pending 'further enquiries', so I assume if they don't get a reply from the doc then they will revoke it.


    At the end of the day, I suspect the £66 will have to be paid. Popo will say its nothing to do with them and the surgery will say that's the fee, don't pay it don't get the forms signed.

  13. The doctor has, as of yet, received no payment so I assume he's supplying them nothing until he gets his cut.


    That's by the by, what I'd like to know is if anyone else has been through this 'new procedure' this year yet and if they have had to pay for a doctors signature.

  14. A Tale of Two Applications


    Person A


    Cert expires 07/16 and renewal notice duly arrives 04/16


    Forms downloaded, filled out and sent off without delay. 1 day before expiry a 6 month temp arrives.


    fast forward 6 months and on day of expiry another temp arrives, this time for 3 months.


    Person B


    Cert expires 04/17 and renewal arrives 01/17


    Forms downloaded, filled out and sent off without delay.


    10 days, yes just a mere ten days later, a full five year cert arrives predated to start the day the original expires.


    1 week after that , a doctors letter arrives demanding a £66 fee to fill out the forms the Police have sent.


    So my question, in two parts is..



    A) Has anyone else applied for their renewal since the start of the year and had it already




    B) Does anyone else have to pay for their forms to be filled out?



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