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Everything posted by splitcane

  1. splitcane

    aa s510

    The other mod worth looking at is the Huggett. They're superb - very quiet, beautifully made. They look nice, too. Not cheap, (£90 ish now) but well worth the money. Works very well with the 510s shroud.
  2. So far nearly 95,000 have signed the petition to get the appalling changes to the legal aid system debated in the House of Commons. It needs another 5,000 or so. Every voice counts, and it's not too late to add yours. Do sign it, and not by any means just for the sake of those involved in shooting. The proposals would impact on not only on those who shoot, but on just about the whole of the British criminal justice system. They would be grossly unfair on all those falsely accused (and yes, it does happen far more often than many like to believe) of almost any crime. They run counter to the basic principles of justice that make the British system one of the best and fairest in the world, despite its obvious flaws. Those opposed to the measures are too many to name. Just for starters, there's the head of the supreme court. But the Lord Chancellor could still steamroller them through without debate. Do sign.
  3. Because if the law's been broken it's better to convict the person who broke it rather than point at the nearest convenient suspect. Being accused is not proof of guilt. Neither is being unemployed. Witness this, for instance: http://abarristerswife.wordpress.com/2013/05/14/exhibit-c-the-paedophile/?blogsub=confirming#subscribe-blog NB It's not about shooting.
  4. I posted this today on the Air Arms Owners' Club forum. Please forgive the cross posting (which I wouldn't normally do) but these proposals would be truly dreadful for all involved in shooting, not just air gunners (although they might perhaps be more vulnerable than most given the legal no-mansland around the 12 ft/lb rules). The more people who know about them, and respond to them by signing the official e-petition against them, and perhaps tweeting and Facebooking about them, the better. For those who have not seen the relevant issue of Shooting Times, there are murky deeds afoot in the Ministry of Justice which will affect everyone who owns a gun. This explains. It's something everyone who shoots should be up in arms about (pun intended, although not quite literally, of course). http://www.shootingtimes.co.uk/news/538 ... ports.html And this is what people can do about it: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/48628 It's a petition on the official Government web site. 43,000 odd signatures and rising at the moment. For those who want a shorter summary: The Department of Justice is proposing to change the rules for legal aid so that those arrested for criminal offences who wish to have legal aid must accept a duty solicitor to represent them. The proposals would end the right to nominate expert representation of one's own, including experts in firearms legislation. You get who you're told. Solicitors will come from one of a number of designated approved firms. These would be paid a fixed rate per case, whether the plea is guilty or not. Generalist solicitors at criminal law are likely neither to understand the complexities of specialist legislation, nor to have existing relationships with or knowledge of barristers expert enough in firearms legislation to provide really good representation should the matter come to court. In addition, the fixed fee per case will almost inevitably lead to these firms putting pressure on clients to enter a guilty plea in order to minimise their costs, no matter what the facts of the case or the truth might be. Mitigation is far less time consuming than defending a not guilty plea. Firms currently showing interest in bidding to be recognised as an approved firm include G4 and, of all people, Eddie Stobart (who currently still pay their drivers £7 an hour, I gather, so clearly a generous and philanthropic outfit). For shooters (of all sorts) these are potentially disastrous suggestions, especially given the recent discussions here about the laws governing the conditions under which air weapons are classified as requiring a Fire Arms Certificate - an area of law rife with confusion and misunderstanding. Don't be put off signing the petition by the fact that it does not specifically mention shooting. Firearms is only one of many categories that will be affected. This is something against which the whole shooting community - all the shooting communities - should mobilise. If you can Tweet or Facebook to publicise the proposals, and the petition against them, further, so much the better. There is now a House of Commons Early Day Motion about this. See here for details: http://www.parliament.uk/edm/2013-14/36 And summary in the best legal tradition of caustic irony here: http://theintrigant.wordpress.com/2013/ ... r-justice/ _________________
  5. Huggett silencer from Milbro in Mildenhall. http://www.milbro.co.uk/ben-taylor-rifles Just superb. Very, very quiet, & very pretty. It goes perfectly with the AA carbines. I have one on my S510 and love it. Buy the version made for Air Arms and it simply screws in, no adaptors or fuss. And if you want to be really (but inconspicuously) flash you can even get it in Realtree camo. Silly price for that, though.
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