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Sutton Bridge Rough Shooter

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Everything posted by Sutton Bridge Rough Shooter

  1. I would like to apologise to anyone who feels deceived by a shameless attempt to promote my site. I was upset by a few comments and felt that I had to defend myself and my enterprise. I did not intend to upset or cheat anyone. I was merely attempting to provide a cheap service to my fellow shooters, which has blown up in my face. Yes, me and little people are one and the same, and on reveiwing my posts I realise how ******** stupid they look. I totally understand your removing my url, and I fully expect to have my membership terminated. Thank you to all those for the kind comments, and I apologise again for the pathetic deception. I wish you all well in your pursuit of Columba Palumbus.
  2. Done a bit of snooping. The PO Box address is registered in Spalding (just down the road from me oddly enough). The website is hosted by a company in Derbyshire who have several links to the site and 2 testimonials (one owner, and one customer), and the payment mechanism is with PayPal - I know for a fact you have to be scrutinised for a PayPal business account. I haven't called the mobile number, but I emailed to ask for some background. The owner said he's a small startup business just trying to supply folk with gear 'at the right price'. He has only had five customers since starting last week, and I mentioned the comments made here and he seemed reasonably hurt, but not surprised that small businesses fail so easily. So I thought '**** it' and ordered a jacket and trousers - so it'll be me tahts stung - or not as the case maybe - i'll keep you posted, but he might be for real, ever thought of that? sbrs
  3. Found this website yesterday - [removed] Its got a section for 'Hunters' which is a revelation! They seem pretty good, I sent a query at 10.30pm, and they'd answered it within 25 minutes, not an auto response either. Someone obviously has little else to do! Good range of stuff, and seem to be very cheap to. Thinking of ordering a Ghillie suit from them - £39.99 plus carriage isn't bad. Have a look for yourselves! SBRS
  4. Cheers Guys, Appreciate that - especially the shooting CV...great idea! SBRS
  5. The bloke from South Lincolnshire again.....really enjoying looking through this forum to hear like minded sentiments to mine..but i'm still on the grovel. Does anyone have any land they would like to share with me? I have left a message in 'Meet Up' and I'm still looking for some shooting around Spalding/Kings Lynn etc.... I am safe, I have insurance, own kit, lots of Whisky etc...and my wife cooks great Game Pie....trouble is its just Pie at the moment with sod all in it!! Pleeeeeease can someone let me shoot with them or on their land or anything!!! :blink: I'll even chuck in a box of shells or two? :*)
  6. Sea bass tastes fantastic on its own, but Rick Stein has a few cracking recipes for it. I tried it grilled with a dressing made from shredded spring onions, ginger and chilli flakes mixed with honey and white wine vinegar? Kind of Thai I guess... :blink:
  7. :blink: Hi! Just moved to Sutton Bridge from the Isle of Man, and I'm looking for a shooting companion or a farm that requires a shooter? Lots of experience of Rough shooting, pest control, fieldcraft and woodlore? Have all my own kit - 12-Bore, .22 Air Rifle, stacks of Camo, lamping kit, a 4x4 and a Lurcher! All I need is somewhere to shoot and someone to shoot with! Cheers! Andy
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