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working dog

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Posts posted by working dog

  1. De razors for me as well - better shave, you just have to take a little more time over shaving, it's a totally different technique to the standard razors, if you apply pressure and rush you will carve yourself up! I rarely nick myself now.


    Any of you se shavers use feather blades? They are seriously sharp, brilliant blades.


    Ive used Feather blades for the last 3 years. I buy them from Thailand off that internet auction site a lot cheaper than you can buy them locally. I tend to get 3 to 4 good shaves from a blade.


    I initially thought that DE shaving would save me money but found that brushes, stands, soaps etc mean I dont save much. That said, I get a far better shave compared to the multi blades.


    I use an Edwin Jagger DE89 - cheap but a great razor.


    I can also recommend proraso pre shave cream which has a smell that takes me back to the old barbers shops

  2. A woman who was notorious for butting in to other peoples conversations.


    Me - Talking about food on a menu : They have chicken gizzards on the menu


    She (butting in) : Chicken gizzards. What are they ?


    Me : Well theyre gizzards from a chicken




    A teacher friend has some classic quotes.

    I dont know why I've burnt today. I dont usually burn in England as the sun is different ???

  3. I called RSPCA some years ago, enquiring about taking on one of their rescues but was told that they would not allow a dog to go to a home where it would be kennelled. Their loss.


    I'm now more selfish and would not take a dog with an unknown background. Its commendable that there are people on this forum and elsewhere who make that commitment and put in the extra effort required with a rescue. I'd rather start training without the issues

  4. Also we were told the call ducks are a lot happier in male/female pairs, is this the case with runner ducks or would 2 females be happy with just one male? Would we have the problem of the two breeds cross breeding of do they stick to their own?


    When we kept more ducks we had to get rid of a lot of males as the females were being raped all day - so much so that they drakes killed some by mating in the 'pond' and drowning them. We ended up with a couple of drakes and the ducks were a lot more settled. The ducks would cross breed - ours didnt pair up to that level. If you want to guarantee pure breeding you will need to segregate the different breeds.

  5. I've dropped the tie for some funerals but still wear trousers and a dark shirt.


    At a funeral a few years ago, his request was that everyone wore bright colours and celebrated his life. As the precession went towards the church the streets were lined with people applauding. To me, this was a much more positive way of showing respect compared to the 'normal' funeral.

  6. I'm with AA. Never had to use them but a mate had oil leaking from his bike when we were in Assen. They paid for his taxis, train, flight home and freighted his bike back. He was home before us.


    Turned out to be a failed rubber seal that cost only a couple of quid.


    Service seems to be good but I'm not happy with the price of the cover and may switch to a pay as you use service next year

  7. I use a 350D and it does everything that I need and more. The 400D was the updated version of the 350.


    If the 400 is the same size as the 350, the main downside could be size - its quite a small camera body so if you have hands like shovels you may want to look at a bigger camera.

  8. Thanks - will have a look at that


    Its just rats at 10 to 30 feet away that I'll be shooting. I bought a lamp to clip onto the scope but it isnt great and the scope I have on isnt the best so I'm not starting from a great position - anything will be an improvement.


    I suppose I'm talking myself round to buying something that is up to the job rather than 'buy cheap, buy twice'

  9. That pulsar looks a great bit of kit.


    I'm looking for something for shooting rats at night but cant justify that sort of money on a bit of fun once the fields are cut and we get more rats around the house.


    Are there any recommendations for a less expensive NV setup to use with my AA410 or HW80 ?

  10. Not sure if I can qualify for a man shed any more


    This was my man shed when we moved in




    And this is it a few years later from the opposite end




    Its still full of man stuff but have I ruined something special ?

  11. I dont drink a lot of fizzy drinks but can understand the withdrawal from caffeine. I stop drinking coffee and tea every so often and the headaches from that are massive for a couple of days. Drinking all the coke on top of tea and coffee and the withdrawal will be more pronounced.


    A relative recently spent time in hospital after a heart attack and the tests then identified that he has diabetes brought on by a high sugar intake. He's had an enforced change of lifestyle but wishes that he'd had the choice to do more of the things he enjoyed but in moderation.

  12. On the forums, L200.org was a real clique - if you weren't in the inner sanctum your posts were pretty much ignored.


    L200forum is a lot better


    On the L200 - try it, you may like it. I have an 07 and love it! No real issues to moan about but the 50K service was £700 which hurt a bit! That said, the engine was so much smoother after the service

  13. No those are non threatening to human life or health, you can work through them without anyone being at risk. when you read of the next dumbell who's dog kills or permenantly maims a kid in the home think on that


    Apologies if my response appeared flippant. It wasnt meant to be. My comment was aimed at your suggestion that both should be removed from the gene pool.


    I agree that genetically 'bad' dogs should not breed - be this health or behaviourally bad dogs. Dogs that have bad owners but are genetically fine may need to be kept away from kids but I dont see why they cant contribute to the breed.


    The stories that we see in the papers tend to be where the owner has put the kid and the dog in the situation. I'm not saying that this makes the situation fine but as owners we have a responsibility to prevent this happening.


    I trust my dogs around people that they know and are happy around dogs but will not allow my 6 year old niece to interact with them - it just isn't worth the risk.

  14. It is crazy that people work and are at best marginally better off than not working. The incentive isnt there. To avoid the **** storm I wont give my views on how to fix this.


    Luckily I'm not in that situation but do work long hours on my day job and then managing the accounts for my wifes company on weekends and evenings (20+ hours a week on top of the day job). The tax man had a large chunk of my directors bonus last year which made me question why we bother. I know its for the long term and the sacrifice made now will reap rewards in the future but it always feels like we're being shafted for wanting to progress.

  15. Nasty or human agressive dogs should be perminantly and imediatly removed from the gene pool without mercy. I dont care how good they are in other respects, no second chances


    Problem here is that you get into the nature or nurture debate.

  16. Heres a timid dog that is cornered. Its had the option of flight pretty much taken away - as a dog it doesnt have many options left to deal with the situation. The bite doesnt sound malicious, more a 'leave me alone'.


    The dog shouldn't have bit your daughter but you put the dog in the situation.


    As has been said before, don't leave the dog unsupervised with kids and watch how the dog reacts around them.

  17. Up until a few months ago it was a Lancia Delta - would understeer and then oversteer in the same corner. Horrible car


    Now its the Lexus CT200e. Fantastic in town with the electric motor but try accelerating with the 1.8 petrol and its like riding a 50cc scooter - revs really high but doesnt go. Very well finished but for 30K I couldnt live with the engine (even if it came with Kylie as standard. Luckily we had a good test drive before considering buying one.

  18. Its an old electro-mechanical machine. Chances are that if it powers up, all that will be needed will be a quick clean of all the contacts within the machine to get it running - they were very simple in design.


    It will be worth a lot more working than faulty. Condition of the playfield will also dictate its value.


    The market for pinball machines has dropped from 10 years ago but there is still a big following and you will get reasonable money from that internet auction site.


    I'd be interested in buying it but already have an EM pinball in my collection and dont really have space for any more.


    Edit: I once put the innards of an old space invaders machine on ebay (no cabinet), listed as faulty and they brought £280. Never dump obscure stuff like that - theres always somebody willing to pay good money for it.

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