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Posts posted by Bryn

  1. If there is no one at home to look after a house bound pup left longer than 4 hours I would seriously consider the dogs needs before your own and consider if you should be getting one at all.The dog will more often than not develop serious separation issues.

    Best bit of advice on here unless you are going to let it live outside

  2. There is alot of genuine people who actually work and keep bull breeds properly, me being one of them. Ive got 2 patterdale x staffs and a 1/4 bull whippet in my kennels. They wouldnt touch any other of my dogs or another dog unless set upon and definatley wouldnt attack a person. Thats like saying is there any need for people to keep spaniels.

    A pup isnt born vicous its the way its brought up by the person handling it!!

    Well said GLB it is the idiots who have the dog

  3. Bryn that backs up the common sense approach a few forces seem to be using, you will find when you get your renewal the gap would only be a technicality as the new certificate is usually dated from the date of expiry of the last one. Obviously its up to you whether you believe them but personally I'd not be putting mine in storage


    Yes i think I will carry on as normal (just hope common sense prevails) :good:

  4. Well contacted by email today and got below response. :)



    Hi ???,


    I can confirm you are covered after the expiry date on the 04.03.2013. Your renewal has been received on time and was sent to your enquiry officer ???? on the 12.02.2013. He will be in contact in the next few weeks to arrange an appointment. If you haven't heard from him after a few weeks, please contact him on ???????? to book yourself in his diary.


    Unfortunately due to the delays in the office, the process of certificates are taking a lot longer then usual, but you are covered to use and store your weapons as you usually would.


    Apologies for any inconvenience caused.


    Many Thanks



    Firearms Administrator

    Firearms Licensing Dept.




    Hi I thought I would drop you a line following my conversation yesterday with a very polite lady at your office concerning my firearm renewal application. This was sent to you on the 14th January and I was concerned about receiving the new license before the old one expires.

    I was told the following:-

    My renewal form all received and is waiting processing they are currently working on Novembers so mine will definitely be delayed. I asked about a S7 and was told I could apply but it is not necessary because as the delay is their fault I am covered. If I require ammo I can have this 'gifted' to me by a fellow shooter.

    It was then explained to me that I would receive call from FEO soon to arrange inspection, but I am allowed to hold firearm(s) and keep as before until new one comes through.

    Can kindly confirm that this.

    Many thanks and regards


  5. Well just got off the phone from a very polite lady, I was told the following:-

    My renewal form all received and is waiting processing they are currently working on Novembers so mine will definitely be delayed. I asked about a S7 and was told i could apply but it is not necessary because as the the delay is their fault i am covered. If i require ammo I can have this 'gifted' to me by a fellow shooter.

    It was then explained to me that i would receive call from FAO soon to arrange inspection, but i am allowed to hold firearm(s) and keep as before until new one comes through. :no: I shall now wait and see what happens when i get my visit and have a discussion with FAO

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