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Posts posted by Bryn

  1. Well had visit today, went okay and said that my certificate would be granted but will not be OPEN. :D

    Also i will not be able to get the 223, reasons being that i will have to demonstate experience in the field with the 22 first i suppose this is fair enough.

    I was advised that i could write in if i wanted too and could demonstrate a good enough reason for having it.

    He did suggest that i could apply after 9 months for the 223.

    Still happy that i have been given the ok for the 22 & mod :lol:

    With regards to ammunition i can purchase 500 and hols 600.

    Now need to decide on the set up i want :)

  2. Hi all

    After two months i have today had the call to arrange an inspection visit at my home.

    Just wondering what will i be asked?

    It is the same officer who visited when i renewed shotgun license, seemed a likeable bloke.

    I have applied for a 22 and a 223 with moderators, 1000 rounds

    Visit taking place next Friday so hope it goes well. :lol:

  3. Hi all

    The wife has a Peugeot 307 estate, problem is that one of the rear doors will not open.

    I have removed interior trim, all linkages are working, on the central locking they work but the door will just not open.

    Have tried with me on the inside her on the outside lifting the handle it just will not release. :lol: The child locks were not on when it was locked.

    Any idaes before i have to take it to the dealer?:lol:? :lol:

  4. If you really want to cure it, put him on a lead and walk him through a field that has sheep, or rabbit, or cow or horse droppings laying around. When he drops his head give a pop on the leash and give a command...." No Sniff" ......or what ever you want to use. Once he no longer trys to eat it on a short lead, switch to a long line, an then off lead with a tab, and then off lead.


    If at any time he decides to test the command off lead put him back on and train some more. Remember if you can not control him beside you on lead then you can not control him off.




    What if the dog isnt called "Sniff"?





  5. My Springer did this and is still partial to the odd terd now and then.

    I spoke with our local vet who said it is a behaviorial problem and not a problem with diet or lacking vitamins.

    I tend to tell him no when he sniffs, or if he is off the lead i run towards him and shout NO this has solved some of the problem.

  6. Well the big day came last Friday, I was a bit nervous, but need not be as all the beaters i met were friendly and most helpful.

    I kept the dof on a longish lead and woeked him close, no problem with the other dogs, didn't really seem bothered.

    After the last drive I was discussing with another beater retreiving with fresh game, he had a partridge which he threw and my dog when sent went to it and picked it and returned straight to hand, i was well pleased.

    On the way back to our vehicles I was asked by the game keeper if I woud be coming back?, Deffinatelty.


    I would like to thank all those on here for the advice given, much appreciated :lol:

  7. Having had a shot gun license for 20 years i am now thinking of applying for my FAC.

    I have written permission from land owners whose land has already been okayed, i have aslo a letter from a pest comtrol operator giving me a reference.

    My question is this I want to use the gun for Pest control (rabbits & fox), in Q19 on the form it states 'give details of firearm you wish to purchase'.

    Should i put two different calibres down?

    .22 for rabbit & .223 for fox?:good:? Both with moderator

    Any advise ??

  8. what have you done with the dog so far?


    If he isn't used to game you may blow his mind excitement wise. Definitely keep him on the lead till you know how he is, letting him off depends how good he is at re-call and how many birds are about bear in mind the end of drives on some shoots at this time of year will be alive with birds.


    I have been going to the shoot of an evening dogging in around the boundaries, he seems staedy and stops on the whistle, when the bird flushes.

    He is also good on the recall.

    He has not been out working in the presence of other dogs so i shall take it easy.

    Thanks for the advice.

  9. So...........there we were out last night with jazzy.


    Letting him have his usual run around before we do a bit of training.


    Off he scampers to the hedgerow.............



    I see him sort of "hop", Sit jump..................and yep............you guessed it..



    His back end and belly get caught up on the barbed wire before I can blow a stop whistle.......


    End result..........1 jazzy howling and yelping............I lancslad running over rough field telling him to stay....his back end on the wire and him yelping away...


    When I get to him he has come off the wire.............Keep on telling him to stay.......fur and all sorts on the barbs.....


    Clam head on...........I take him and run my hands around his body checking for blood........nothing showing....I then roll him over expecting to see some nasty wounds running hands around back legs and belly.


    Result - A Couple of "nicks" in his skin.....


    End of session and we are back home with the doggy medi kit that I have made up for when I go beating...........Some betadine and a clean and hes good as new.........



    Moral of the story..................It can happen any time......not just when you are beating........Take your first aid kit with you....


    What exactlty do you keep in your first aid kit?


  10. Hi all

    My 12 mth old springer developed a limp in his front leg yesterday afternoon.

    Due to the hot wearther i decided to walk him on the lead rather than let him run free, walked about 20yards on pavement and he went lame on the front leg. Took him home checked pad, nails,and rubbed hand along foreleg. i could find nothing wrong.

    Let him rest and he seemed okay in the evening, but after a short walk he was lame again.

    I was wondering if he could have pulled a ligament or something similar, he does or did not make any noise when this happened/

    Does any one have any ideas before i take him to the vets?

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