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  1. Quite right. Dealing with someone who is not going to whack you around the noggin for anything has to be preferable to dealing with this 'mother'.
  2. Crumbed and grilled is a much healthier way to go. Reading the OP made me feel twisted in my tummy. I have a lovely 14 mth old girl and would hate to think of any child going through this. I got the slipper once from my dad and again once at school and deserved it (or more!) and my disciplined Chinese wife will tap my babies hands if she does something wrong. However the scene you described was direct and unnecessary, just sickening child abuse. I wish the girl a very merry Christmas, AWAY from that behaviour. She would be welcome in our loving household here in Australia. And good on the police for having your back so rapidly! Last thing you would want is to become the target of her abuse, though bullies would rarely pick on someone their own size.
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