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About Thefisheroffish

  • Birthday 02/04/1997

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • From
    Lancaster, Lancashire
  • Interests
    Hunting, Trapping, Fishing, Making bad jokes...

Contact Methods

  • Skype
  1. Hey, Anyone want to go fishing sometime this week or next at cleveley mere? Just need some tips and pointers, Im only 15 so i just need some expert help, or if any one just wants to fish, im fine either way
  2. Yes it takes skill/Stupidity... :look:
  3. I've learned my lesson, Thanks tug!
  4. Well said Tug, I agree. I have squirrel problem,(eating through the roof) and live trap them. I relocate them to a woodland area 3 miles from people. I check on them to make sure they're fine. I do no damage to them, and will only do it if they are a problem. What's your problem EXACTLY? Make sure it's legal as Tug corrected me for, and don't do it for,"fun". Nothing against you trapping, just your motives. Good luck Lewj ( Try to check your traps 2+ times a day )
  5. I agree with Tug/dave. It's pest control. Magpies, are pests. No problem there. Crows, can be pests, and the list goes on. Learn from those with experience and those with the laws. Make sure it's legal Good luck...
  6. Pigeons, and I need a place to get cheap materials, cuz'... I'm poor... Well, I won't be able to pay for a "professional" trap, so just need the trap/ materials to make it. I'm having trouble makin the trap that's all
  7. Hi I'm looking for a way to make a bob-wire style trap... Can someone help or give me a link?
  8. Great! my Friend from school is taking me during the summer to the lake district to a,(Secret) lake. Can't wait till' summer...
  9. haha! well that stuff happens, and the biggest problem i find that people are trying to go to large stillwaters. I find it more comforting in smaller stillwaters, but not the size of bankhouse.
  10. Go for the membership, im doing that as i said earlier, so, I'll get that for season from april, and will be looking forward to going. haven't been there for a long time...
  11. the trap I bought on trapman is not at all what they are advertising... A little annoyed with These kind of things...
  12. I'm getting the membership for season april-september, so we might be able to meet each other sometime...
  13. I caught a male pheasant this morning! We killed it but we don't know how long/ where to hang it... Help?
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