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Posts posted by JONAH898


    Actually, the vast majority of transfers/sales done at a distance via RFD's are done incorrectly. The seller is supposed to write the gun on to the purchasers FAC and post it back to him. He then takes the cert to the receiving RFD who hands over the gun but doesn't do anything with the FAC as it is already on it.



    does that mean in theory that the receiving RFd shouldn't charge anything as there is no paper work to be done and for them it's just the same as receiving a parcell through the post?
  2. Having had my shotgun cert for 2 years and my fac for just over 6 months I'm extra careful to make sure I do not do anything to get them revoked. I always carry my Certs with me and as of yet never been stopped by the police think its only right if they stop you to inform them you are carrying guns/firearms especially after the incidents over the last 18 months of officers being attacked with guns and grenades and keeps everybody minds at ease that no fowl play is going on, this is just my opinion on the matter

  3. Well sorry for comming across arrogant was not trying and was not trying to speak for everybody was just a sweeping statement. Sorry if I caused offence to you people who get paid to do your job like I get paid to cook for my customers till midnite from 7am then have to do my shopping walking around tescos with a face on cuz you have to work unsocial hours and do paper work welcome to the real world mate and as underdog said the arrogance is coming from you,this started of as a post showing a different new gun and turned into a debate on work ethics and paper work and how you like to do your shopping at 2am, tell me do you get many bargains at that time?

  4. Was not missing the point mate and understand people use guns for work etc but bet you wouldn't just pick up any old gun to go hunting/stalking/ working etc that didn't shot right and not fit you properly therefore affecting your chosen trade, so when you pick your TOOL to buy to do your job you don't get a smile on your face when you find that perfect fitting gun? This could be classed as enjoyment/fun as you know your hard earned cash is being spent well. Call me old fashiond but I would class a fun play thing as a vibrator for the misses not a firearm but do enjoy my chosen hobby so I must be a big kid at heart with my FUN TOYS if to be honest wouldn't have it any other way.

  5. Hi has anybody seen tus gun? It's the rifle version of the tarus judge revolver that shoots 45 long colt and 4.10 shot gun carts.my question is if I wanted one put on my cert would it be classed as a 45 caliber rifle or long barrel revolver? And before anybody asks WHY DO YOU WANT ONE, its for fun like all the guns we all buy to shoot

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