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Posts posted by JONAH898

  1. Hello, my dad and myself both have our shotgun Certs and now are going to apply for our firearm cert. at this moment in time we don't have access to land so are joining a shooting club this week who hav a indoor,outdoor and full bore ranges. I have read several posts and read loads of reviews of people saying to apply for as much as you can on your ticket as they can only say no.

    I was hoping for a semi auto .22lr and also a bolt action .22lr also .17HMR, wud also like a fac air rifle with mods for all 3. The main questions iv got is that for target shooting wud like the .22lr semi for indoor range so wud go for sumthing a bit different but for outdoor wud like a nice bolt action. The reason for the mods is wud eventually like to get hold of sum permissions ( sent out many many letters to farms) so wud be good to have them on my ticket ready.

    Wot amount of ammo TO BUY & TO HOLD to you think is reasonable for target shooting at least twice a month?

    Also got my heart set in a Winchester lever action too so wot caliber do you think would be best to apply for that wud stand the best chance if getting bearing in mind would have the other guns on .22lr?

    Would also like a high capacity shotgun for tactical shooting and thought I'd apply for this at the same time.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this as I know you prob been asked many times before but I thought the best thing was to ask you all for your years of experience cheers

  2. I got so caught up with the "I need a expensive gun because it will shoot better " and spending hundreds if pounds on chokes, chopping and changing them that I was shooting worse as I was missing the fun I had when I first started shooting with a £60 mossberg pump that's why I sold my over/under and decided to buy my marine pump and get the fun back that got me interested in the sport to start with

  3. I brought the hatsan marine pump action" yes the nickle one" and love it and is a dream to shoot and my dad brought the hatsan mp in pump action last week which we took to leek gun club for a round of clays. The main response was with people wanting a closer look and a hold and that it was something different but in a good way. Yes u look like arnie or sumone out of call of duty but if its nice to use and you shoot good with it and most of all puts a big smile on your face Carnt see the problem.

  4. Iv just brought the hatsan marine pump action in 24" barrel cost £390 brand new with 3 year warranty and love it mate and shud be gettin the hatsan mp tactical pump too

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