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Posts posted by JONAH898

  1. It's a shame as after you mentioned the pump action .223 just viewed a couple of vids and look really fun to shoot but shame how you can have a lever release 9mm in the grey area of rifles but carnt have a pump action in the criteria of a straight pull as technicaly you are ejecting the round using the same motion

  2. Cheers for the reply and wasn't insinuating that you didn't know wot a pump action was just didn't understand wot the pics were for and just thought the pump would be classed the same as a lever action as both could hold the same amount of rounds and both fire the same speed in the rite hands, shame really liked the look if these for something a little different as love my pump shotguns to

  3. I've seen several videos on you tube of pump action .357 magnum rifles and really fancy one to go alongside my marlin lever action. Do any of you have any experience with these and wots the going price for one as carnt seem to find any for sale cheers

  4. Realy want a 9mm lever release and was all set to put a variation in for a sgc one till I heard the bad reviews, the vz58 looks good but Carnt find any vids or info on the 9mm version and even tho I do like tacticool rifles with rails etc I'm a purest when it comes to a ak and needs to be wood not abs with full stock

  5. I cudnt tell you mate to be honest as just started reloading myself so my dad and I went halves and just brought everything we needed from kranks, if you loading .357 and .38 special rounds I found it easier just to buy a second set of dies to save keep altering between calibers so have them set for both ready. Also I personally brought a set of digital scales as my eyes weren't brilliant for the balance beam type and also a lube pad as sum people say you don't need to use lube on a carbide die and sum say you do I found out the hard way having to hammer a case out of my die not using lube

  6. Start with a lee single stage mate lot easier to use, get your full set up from Henry kranks for bowt £130 for the lee anniversary kit then just need a set of .38special dies as these do .357 to and the lee loading manual then all sorted beside your brass heads powder and primers

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