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Buster 6241

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  1. The difference between the two rounds is about 13 pence, times that by 3500 and you recouped your outlay.
  2. It's not the dogs fault, it's your idiot thicko brain dead neighbours fault for having no consideration for other people. Something that seems to be happening far more these day's and it really gets my goat. Go and have a word and if that doesn't work then start the ball rolling with the council.
  3. Self employed aswell. Get your wife on the books if she isn't working already, that way you'll get the first £15000 or thereabouts (aint sure what the allowance is these day's) tax free.....
  4. NFU,unbeatable imo, been using them for everything for the last twenty years. Trucks,tools,public liability and indemnity insurance, always a first class service......
  5. Have we got any in here, is there even such a thing in this country, is it possible to make a living out of killing things? I'm gonna give it a go, I currently run my own tree surgery business and plan on at least subsidising it with my hobby. I've got plenty of land to shoot over and plenty of places to off load bunnies. Does anyone in here make money at their hobby?
  6. CZ American with Walnut stock. Bought it at Chris Potters and they kindly bore sighted it for me, then off to my yard for a zero at 40 yds and then still enough time to have a blat and see what it goes like. Last bunny of the day was taken at 188yds paced.....to say i'm over the moon would be an under statement. I love this rifle to bits, can't wait to get out again.......
  7. I'll give you a day a week with pay. Drop me a pm if you're interested.
  8. That's me in the middle of the group pic and also in pic five. Cheers for putting em up Mike.... That saw has been jet washed,steam cleaned and yet it still smell's of rotten whale meat when it's fired up. A smell that is unmistakable and will stay in my snout forever. Still need to suss out how to upload pics.....
  9. As above, post your biggest. Mine was a dead Sperm Whale at Pegwell Bay about this time last year. Carved the young 45' male up with a chainsaw along with another tree surgeon mate of mine.
  10. Well obviously I'm considerably better than you.... Just pullin' yer ****** mate.... I'm out tomorrow night, gonna try for a longer range head shot.....wish me luck....
  11. It's Kent Wool Growers mate. I'd stick to what ya know mainly cos I don't trust em at KWG. They tried to rip me off big time a while back so now I stay well clear.
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