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Marc Z

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Posts posted by Marc Z

  1. love all scary films. Would have to say that most of the 'classics' are actually pretty lame by todays standards in terms of scariness. The paranormal activity films are genuinely scary though, but sacrifice being an actual good film.

  2. thanks for all the input! It's not a major concern, more of just a wonderment as to how cost effective it might be. Heard many mixed reviews (as usual, lovers and haters) about stirrup pumps (mainly possible moisture damage) and just dislike the thought of spending half the cost of the gun again on a tank. But yes, an investment indeed.

  3. Hi All,


    I'll be getting my first pcp soon, but one thing that's holding me back is the price of dive tanks and the future costs of refilling and retesting the tank.


    I hire some gas for work and got me thinking if anyone has looked into hiring a filled tank from gas companies? I had a quick look at BOC and they do dive tanks, no idea how cost effective that might be.


    Just interested to know if anyones done it or if it's a total non starter?


    p.s, looking at the scorpion SE tactical...



  4. Hello All,


    Recently started looking into starting wildfowling, and the more I look into it, the more I want to do it!


    Done the basic research, just wondering if anyone here can share their thoughts on good clubs in Anglia to start a beginner like me? North Suffolk seems the obvious choice to try, maybe ely, or are there any little known off the radar clubs that might be better to start at?


    I'll be at the StowCumQuy show this weekend, maybe there'll be someone friendly from here manning a stand I could have a chat with?


    I don't know any fowlers, or really anyone else that shoots much, so getting into new things can be a right mission, gaining peoples trust etc, but it's always worth it in the end!!





  5. Recently joined the site, looks great!


    I'm a relative youngster from Bury St Edmunds, still work and live in the area. Into all types of country ways, and always looking to do more (I will soon be pestering you all about Wildfowling in the area, really keen to get into some!)


    Although I have shotguns, I've yet had the chance to use any on game except beater days, would be great to get into some decoying with help from the 'experts' here! I do a fair bit of pest control with my air rifle, and that's it so far.


    Generally love getting out in the woods and fields, and always looking to bag something to eat...



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