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  1. Use a hide pole and attach the flapper with 2 jubilee clips
  2. Yes plenty of shelters in the pen and the poo is nice and healthy. Fingers crossed they will start going up to roost shortly. Thanks for the info lads
  3. The poults were looking perfect when they were put in the pen and are still looking healthy now. The pens are exactly the same and they can definitely fly no problem. They seem to be huddling in the open and not in the corners of the pens. I think you could be right about them not being hardened off enough but the game farmer assured me they had? Do you think putting some 40 gallon drums spread out where they are huddling would help to split them up?
  4. For some reason this year my pheasants poults are not going up to roost which has never happened in the past. They are doing this in all the pens and are huddling up into large groups and smothering one and other. Has anyone else experienced this and is there anything that can be done to prevent this? In the past they have all gone up to roost on their first night in the pen. They are the same breed as I normally get and are from the same supplier. Any advice would be much appreciated
  5. Ha sorry gents. The choke was seized in the gun when i bought it
  6. I'm unsure if the choke has been cross threaded as I have never had it out from since I owned the gun. I didn't get any chokes with it and when I did try to remove it I couldn't move it but it didn't really bother me as it was half choke which is in the gun. I suspect it is just ceased. Easy job for any gun smith
  7. Thanks saracen I'll let anyone know if there interested
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