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  1. Thank you so much...hugely appreciated :-) I've given them a google and found their details...just the sort of place I was looking for and I would never have found it on my own! Once again...a big thank you!
  2. Hi Forum, I am in Harlow, Essex on Monday and Tuesday with work and will have some spare time whilst I am there so thought I might as well get in some clay shooting if I can! I was wondering if there were any grounds in the Harlow area (within about an hour or so drive would be fabulous so I guess kind of up to 50 miles away) that were open on Mondays or Tuesdays for 'open practice' where you can basically just turn up and shoot (like Doveridge here in the Midlands). I know this is probably a bit of a long shot as most grounds don't open like this but if anyone can point me in the right direction it would be hugely appreciated. Thanks, Midlander :-)
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