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Posts posted by Nick8310

  1. Looking for a shooting buddy really I have recently got some time from work freeing up my weekends and Thursdays and Fridays I will be heading out more in future and no doubt I will get bored on the odd day or night so I am looking for someone to come along on my perm.


    The perm is based in ongar essex looking for someone who wants to learn or a fellow shooter who has either NV/ or day scope no lamping allowed. Preferably with your own perm as it would be nice to try some where different every now and then but it's not a requirement as I know most people won't have their own permission/land.


    Extra note: I am also trying to get involved with the game keeping side of things more so any game keepers near me need a helping hand with day to day things let me know as I would love the chance to get hands on and I don't mean just being a beater. Not expecting money in return just want the experience.


    Anyone interested just DM me and as always you must have insurance unless your just starting out kind regards Nick. 👍


    I agree mate i've noticed my cz stock is bit low and i do have to raise cheek for clear view.. its not natural mount as u mount and you get straight barrel in front of you (shotgun).. any idea which cheek/butt raiser i should go for, had a quick look around all seems bit xpensive.. i have same issue re my cheek on both cz's as i ended up getting same model.. 22/17 ..

    This is the one I use it took a while to break it in but I would be lost without it now high enough for me that I can completely relax and still see straight down the sights.



  3. Nick, If I'm Chap, many thanks for posting. All good points. I have a shotgun comb raiser on the butt which does the job nicely. I take your point about the pressure on the rifle which is why I try to relax and let the rifle point naturally at the target. The real problem - and if you can come up with an answer I'll be delighted and all ears - is I fear that this knadgered old septuagenarian whose worn out knees prevent his upper body from keeping still, simply has to accept his limitations. :good:

    Well good man the response was to Adi786 however the same advice could help you 😆. As for the worn out knees doesn't mean a thing nothing a little improvisation can't fix just means you should take shots seated or prone in the mean time I will look for the fountain of youth for you. 😂😂😂



  4. Chap I think you are putting to much pressure/weight on the gun meaning your leaning to hard into it or pushing down to much on the bipod, another common factor is shooters buy 50mm scopes which require extra high scope mounts meaning to look through the scope you have to take your cheek off the butt to look down the scope losing your stability. By the sound of it it's more to do with the leaning on the rifle too much as your shots seem fine in the truck probably because your centre of gravity is further back in the chair and thus less weight on the rifle.


    Advice: In the case you using a 50mm scope buy yourself a good butt comb/cheek rest so when your completely relaxed you can see right down the scope without using your neck muscles


    Second: when you go to take a shot practice just letting the rifle rest in your shoulder with minimal pressure the less you pressure on the rifle the less movement you will experience and pull the trigger slowly so it almost surprises you.


    Other than that the rest is practice makes perfect control your breathing and try not to let the adrenaline get the better of you.


    This is just my opinion hope this helps PM if you want.



  5. I wouldn't chap unless the sheep are already huddled into a corner far away. Sheep die from almost anything shock from a shotgun going off could be one of them I am not saying they will but why risk it. Have you got a moderator like a hush puppy could just take the sound down a little as not to spook the sheep.

  6. i have just got permission on a golf course very near to my house. they don't have any major pest problems but just like to keep on top of the rabbits, crows and pigeons. i have some very basic experience on lamping but would appreciate any other advice on how to get some rabbits. my back ground is decoying pigeons with shot guns so air rifles are a bit new to me. i have a .22 and a nitesite. i was down there the other night and saw a few rabbits, a fox, fair amount of crows and loads of peasants (not allowed to shoot). so any advice on how to make the most of this permission would be appreciated, thanks in advance


    How big is the golf course. I am asking because if it's large with rural surroundings then put in for a .22 rimfire rifle will deal with the rabbits much better and once you get enough experience put in for a more powerful rifle e.g. .17HMR to deal with foxes or larger depending on the surroundings.

  7. Right chaps,


    I've got some rabbits that need to be gone asap and they aren't responding quick enough to just me solo lamping.


    I'll be blunt; this isn't me handing over a permanent permission and it isn't suitable for a novice shooter. It is a chance for someone who wants to work their ferrets to get out somewhere different. I would also be open to invite shooting on my other permissions with me further down the line.


    The land is accessible only on foot. There's no mixy and you're welcome to keep the rabbits as long as I get a couple for the pot.


    If all that sounds reasonable, feel free to get in touch. :)





    Nice offer chap waiting for one like this my way good luck though.



  8. We have had a mild winter which is probably the main cause for so many rabbits running around to be fair but to cull more you need traps or more guns put simply. Pm me if you do concider another gun would love to get out else where. Hope this helps



  9. I have noticed that we have a few rats about the place. They have dug under the dog kennels and also into the chicken coup on the lawn. I think that they may have even been into the nesting box and taken eggs - do rats eats eggs?

    I have seen a couple and they look surprisingly healthy with very shiny clean fur.


    I don't see how I can use poison due to the dogs and chickens so I thought I could have some fun with my air rifle?


    What is the best time of the day to shoot rats?

    How do I encourage them out into the open?


    Any other advice?


    I don't have to worry about neighbours as there are no houses within 1/2 a mile.

    Do it at dusk mate best time and get them out by spreading peanut butter along the floor close enough to tempt them but far away to be in the open. Try a red light or NV set up to get maximum amount.

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