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Posts posted by ferret47

  1. Rabbits now are getting very inbred, a few years ago when they got too thinned out from an area others just moved in from another patch but now what with our massive (human) population explosion(sets are now housing estates) they are pretty scarce (where i live), and before someone replies to this, yes, not in all areas. Scutt, the rabbits that survived myxy were the ones that didn't nest in burrows but nested 'on top'.

    Anyway, I'm breeding a litter of 3/4 Ferret 1/4 Wild Eurasian Polecat (my sons) this year. The half crosses were bred for Rat (no good for Rabbit they always kill underground). I'm no longer hunting Rat but!!

  2. Rabbits in my part of the world are pretty scarce, in fact i see more Roe. Not working my Ferrets to Rat no more, so mine are getting pretty FAT. Going back 40 years if i was to say to the local lads that in the future there'd be no Rabbits or Hares but Foxes, Badgers and Deer would be plentiful i'd be looked on rather odd!

  3. You can fish the higher reaches of the Wear and Tyne (and a lot, A LOT) of Scottish rivers for a lot cheaper. Still water Salmon fishing is wrong!, they run the rivers to spawn and if they are lucky they make it back to sea. The magic is when you catch a fish (after thrashing the river trying every technique ) the fish is covered with sea lice, take your pic. then let it go. Thats Fishing!

  4. All Ferrets will work, handle them and tame them, never snatch at them, some prefer jills for Rabbits I prefer to work the hobs (big fat ones that chase and push the rabbits out), my jills kill too easily underground and its always a pig to dig them out. Rabbiting's great but Ratting is the best, (this is where you need small HARD jills), and you can find Rats everywhere!

  5. Border Collies used to be the bain of my life, when (as a young chap) I used to ferret a lot in the Cheviots the Borders (the leggy type) used to make my life a misery! However, I always remember one (on a farm near Rothbury) it used to MURDER Foxes, lots of lads from Newcastle/Tyne and Wear used it in their Lurcher Strains (before Punch/Bulls/etc), However Collies are NOT Gundogs, and anyone who thinks so has not seen a good Spaniel/Lab work, I have a couple of working Beardie Collies (kill Foxes but unfortunetly mangled Rabbits) Happy to discuss!

  6. Sorry hatsanmad


    but Ferrets DO catch distemper and it slays them, so if you walk them its best to get them jabbed. Nobby, as luckyshot says you'll get a lot of different answers, I keep mine (now) for Rats, I have pedigrees for my strain for 40 years but now I'm running with a Ferret X Wild Eurasian Polecat, mental, totally mental!

    Get your Ferrets jabbed up for distemper, handle them constantly, (my son can call his Ferrets to him, honestly) and DONT get a Ferret X Eurasian Polecat.

  7. MrHarrison,

    I keep (and work Terriers). This (web) site is far far more normal than most hunting sites but still? Kent is totally totally right when he/she says its all about socialisation, I keep digging terriers and around the house they are great, no aggression, Mine are broke to birds and ferrets but when shown to quarry they are mental, my oldest terrier ( and Hardest) sleeps with my son, All dogs reflect their owners personality, so?

  8. Kestrels seem to be having a hard time of it. A few years ago they were the only bird of prey that most regularly saw, sadly now the rise of the Magpie means that they harry the young birds relentlessly. They can't hover in peace and a lot of areas are losing their Kestrels!

  9. Used to fish a lot off the West Coast, used to fish Stranraer and Cairnryan. For Pollack we used to floatfish Sandeel, (it was that rocky if we spun we would get snagged every other cast), used to fish with Mike Watson (The Orca), clever Captain, clever fisherman. Used to take the dogs/ferrets up as well. One Monday came back with Tope, Dogfish (Lesser and Greater, Pollack, Coalfish, Conger (45ib), fox, Rabbits, Roe and Hare. Used to love the Plaice fishing because the Ferries to Ireland meant that the trawlers weren't allowed, (the only sandbanks where you can find fish)

  10. Newbie to this forum (2 weeks) but I just LOVE my running dogs. I keep 2 lines, one to a bull cross called Punch (from London) and a Bearded Collie cross line from DB Plummer, each has a different role, Chris Orrell (I just KNOW what you mean)!!! Hunted since as was a bairn and I'm still keen (52). Took everything (within the law at the time ),

  11. Anybody who will fight in a ring should be recognised but my choice would be,


    Roberto Duran (Hands of Stone). Brought up in (total) poverty, fighting US Marines as a kid to get clothes, and Sonny Liston (what an absolute ******) until you read about how he was brought/dragged/kicked up. Numerous others but these two are my favs, others would be Ernie Shavers, and the young George Foreman and Mr Mike Tyson.

  12. Kxkirk, as with all animals the younger they are, the tastier, softer and more succulent they are (ie suckling pig-still getting fed off its mum). However whe animals are young/babies they are a bit more fiddly to clean but they are tasty! When I ferret and farmers want rabbit control when does are breeding, when we get a doe (when gutted) has embryos inside her i fry them with Olive Oil. Dont waste nothing, its a crime when you do.(unless its a Fox, they do taste horrible)!

  13. Exactly Paddywack, a man who polarises so many different opinions is INTERESTING! Exactly what a biography needs, people do literally come to blows about him and his dogs, (however it was his cats that fascinated me, his Cattery was bigger than all his kennels))! So what if he exagerrated things (are we all not guilty of this) obviously not me, well not since I've left the SAS, Brian had his faults but he knew how to write, he inspired, educated and informed. David Harcombe is a first rate terrier man but we all met tricksters, just embrace life, if hunting/fishing/shooting is to survive we need to stick not seperate!

  14. Breeding a litter of Ferret cross Wild Eurasian Polecat/Ferret Crosses. My son has a first cross and its a killing machine (great on Rats but Rabbits, no no). My son has lined it to one of my hobs, he reckons it'll make the grade). I'm not so sure, if anyone's interested send me an e-mail, No money invojved.



  15. Breeding a litter of Ferret cross Wild Eurasian Polecat/Ferret Crosses. My son has a first cross and its a killing machine (great on Rats but Rabbits, no no). My son has lined it to one of my hobs, he reckons it'll make the grade). I'm not so sure, if anyone's interested send me an e-mail/

  16. Plummer certainly polarises people, he's def Marmite, but he was good to me! He knew his dogs and he knew how to write, I've got a couple of his dogs now in front of me, they are wilfull. antaganistc and compared to my others they are a bloody handfull (as he would want).

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