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Posts posted by ferret47

  1. ricko, Hi I'm new to this site but I knew Brian and visited him quite a bit (when he lived in Caithness but more so when he moved to Abingdon, south of Glasgow). Brian gets slammed off loads of websites but i found him a fascinating, interesting and totally captivating individual. Yes he had his faults (he was a manic depressive) but when he was on form there was no finer. He knew his dogs and if he elaborated/exaggerated a bit, so, I fish and I'm guilty of the fishermans arms! The man had a phenomenal memory, had several degrees (see John Winch the QC Barrister) but his knowledge of animals was second to none. A biography does beckon because when he was alive when David Hancock(the lurcher breeder) mentioned his peculiarities they fell out big style. Brian was very very kind to me (he gave me several dogs). However bio's need to be interesting and Brian was certainly interesting! I await the customary abuse!

  2. Thanks from the welcome lads (and poss lasses). hodge I pass through Swalwell quite a bit, used to hunt with The Derwent Valley Foxhounds, BB the master is my pal. Dawntredder, used to fish down your way (Lakeside and Pelaw Quarry) I'm that old I can remember the Hares down there, why the CS Lewis reference?

  3. Good Evening, (I'm a newbie to this site),


    I Keep Lurchers (terriers and ferrets) and I'm rearing (as the title says) a baby Woodpigeon to try and break my dogs to these birds as they are getting too interested in chasing pigeons to the detriment of running game.


    Its quite a feisty little thing, nothing like when in the past I've kept Collared Doves etc,


    Any tips?



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