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Posts posted by ppaynter

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/171327304704?_trksid=p2059210.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


    These type are good as you can use them to quick release the sling for cleaning or just to take it off for storage.






    This sort is good if you haven't got any wood far enough forward for attachment and it fastens round the barrel. I have used both.

    wouldnt work on the A301 i know its a single barrel semi but the bead stops that attachmwnt working


    thanks though

  2. I see Tides Edge already put KWCA in the frame. We already have a few members in the Surrey area. We operate a Try Wildfowling Scheme where you can book a day for a guided flight. However it must be remembered that one day is a really difficult way to start Wildfowling. If you join there are mentors and a field trip officer to arrange a guide for you. If you want a bit more info go to our website, if there's not enough there for you, give me a call on the mobile number on the site or pm through this site. We can have a brief chat about your best options. Regards. DNT (KWCA Gen. Secretary).

    Ok thats great i will have a look and give you a call

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