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Posts posted by mattywall

  1. I'm looking for an opertunity too get into falconrey I've always done ferreting and air rifle shooting but never had the chance too go out with the birds. They fascinate me at the country fairs when they do there displays. I would like too learn about falconry so one day I can maybe get my own.

  2. I use too have a jill that would always come back sometimes after catching a rabbit and having a little taste of there blood. I'm sure if u don't use an inexperienced our starving ferret you should be OK but u gotta know ya ferret and also use a ferret finder just in case ;)

  3. Seals drying out! ? that's a first for me to here. i service allot of rifles mainly logun s16s. the only thing i can think of regarding the seals they are a cheap brand i use VETON its a hard wearing seal and never had any problems with them. i get the full set of seals for a logun for £12 plus p+p thinks its just under £14 in total. plus it depends as well weather or not they are using the right lubes on the right seals as-well. for eg the logun s16 uses molly grease and a none tacky black grease( i forgot what its called) and also a drop of oil in the slides. now there is the other thing with seals they like to be kept under pressure or they will shrink and once that happens time to replace them.

    so should I keep the air chamber loaded?
  4. Just realised I posted in the wrong forum sorry guys/girls. So here we go! I'm looking for ferreting opportunities in and around Essex I drive and am an exsperienced ferreter I have all the gear and ferrets. ( that are getting lazy ) I use to have some land but retired from it for a while and now I'm making a come back lol. Any help thanks matt.

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