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Posts posted by Zenduri

  1. "Its not so much that cannabis is a gateway drug as the fact that the people you probably get it from are keen to lead you / trick you down the path to heavier and more expensive substances. Often handing out freebies etc to reel you in."


    I`m sorry but you`ve been reading too many sensasionalist newspaper articles or you`re still believing what you saw on Grange Hill as a kid.


    The majority of dealers who sell cannabis are smokers themselves.They buy a few ounces, sell smaller amounts at a slightly inflated price and after they`ve made their money back or maybe a small profit they have enough weed left for themselves to smoke until the next time they buy.


    Most of them deal exclusively in cannabis because they know as a class B drug the penalties for being caught with it are considerably less than being caught dealing class A drugs. If they do sell anything alongside it it will only be in small amounts and will most likely be a bit of coke or speed or perhaps a few ecstasy pills.


    I`ve never known anyone deal in cannabis and heroin or crack at the same time. And I`ve never known a dealer to hand out free samples, other than offering to share a spliff whilst you`re there.


    The people you describe arent drug dealers they are smokers who sell a bit to supplement their own smoke. These are not Drug dealers in any sense. When you meet a proper drug dealer you will know...... In my Uni youth I've met a few of both types (note i wasn't participating in drug use or buying/selling), the proper drug dealers will dish out samples if they see there is a potential new customer for another drug.


    Cannabis is by far from a gateway drug but the problem is it can end up dealing with people who are pushing other drugs and that can in some instances lead to further use.

  2. What I think is being missed is that booze can be bought in Tesco, as much as I hate booze that makes it a known substance, not something made in a back room in some squat, and the checkout girl is not likely to have a criminal record and be carrying a knife. I am also not likely to end up in debt to the checkout girl who then makes me deal the stuff myself to cover the debt.


    For conventional drugs yes but Ironically the people buying legal highs from what i've seen tend to be employed, reasonably presentable (aside from the drug taking) or come from a background which isn't a stereotypical working class background. All these kids burning out on legal highs are often kids of reasonable and financially stable families with disposable income,


    Same can be said for cocaine users to be honest but the misconception of who takes legal highs is very strong.


    I am in no way condoning legal highs and i think they all need banning but these are my observations.

  3. 99.9% of those that like a drink, do so responsibly and with no ill effect to themselves or others, 99.9% of those that take DRUGS end up as smack heads with all the ills the title brings.




    As much as i don't like to argue that's a true Daily Mail headline mate.


    People have this misconception that the amount they drink is fine when technically you have a rather large proportion of functioning alcoholics who think its normal to polish off a few drinks when they get home from work. These are the hidden problems.


    The flip side is there are the obvious smack heads who are a mess but there are functioning drug users. I'm not saying drugs are good in any sense but to put alcohol on such a high praise and drugs on such a bad one is so wrong and ill informed.


    Sadly i work in an office environment and i can assure you of the several hundred people who work in my office there are a high number of alcohol abusers as well as coke fiends and pill heads. One guy i worked with started to get routinely messed up on the legal high version of cocaine. He ended up going severly off the rails to the point they tried to force him into a drugs test but the union he was in managed to save him as he admitted to me he would fail and i knew he would. He's managed to clean himself up now and sort his life out but the point is there are more drug and alcohol abusers than you think..... and you most likely know one or two.

  4. Great advice

    Sadly I must have less computer knowlage than the op

    And found that no help

    What's a USB ?

    How big should it be eg 2000 pictures

    And how do you use it

    I'm sure someone will help in a minuite mate


    Best of luck I know how you feel totally inadequate and frustrated


    All the best


    USB stick is essentially a tiny storage device, you plug it into one of the many sockets on your PC (usually 1 or 2 on the front) and it shows up on your PC as another storage device which you can move files too and from.


    The size depends on what you are moving e.g 2000 pictures can be relatively small or huge depending on the quality and how they are saved.


    Yes but it's more complicated.


    Couple of questions.

    How much data do you have to transfer?

    How old is the 'old' laptop?


    If it isn't that old get a USB to SATA cable, take the disk out of the old laptop and connect that to the new one.

    One of these will do it.



    If Moving them to a USB stick is going to prove hard for OP then im sure as hell removing the HDD and using a Sata to USB cable will be more confusing for him! :lol: :lol:


    As someone else said, the kids/grand kids and £5 is probably a good resolution for you


    Something like this guide may be useful (although the guys does waffle alot) it seems very basic in its information. Although your PC will probably not have windows & if its 5 years old the principle is the same and so is the location of everything.



    Another alternative is get someone you trust to move them for you via a remote connection (they see and control your PC), It's a feature in windows and I use it when I'm sorting the parents PC out.


    All you would need to do in plug the USB stick in the old then new pc once the files are copied and send the invite for the remote assistance session.


    Final alternative is getting someone on the phone or SKYPE to talk you through it.


    Need any help or assistance give me a shout

  6. Hi buddy,


    yeah the number still works and he has my Rapid barrel as we speak :)


    Looking forward to getting it back and on as im sure once his worked his magic it will look top notch :)




    Any update? If you have the parts back can you post pics and your thoughts?

  7. News to me and I'm in need of a decent, reasonably priced scope too!


    Only piece of mildly news worthy gossip i know is Webley are ditching the Alecto and will be replacing it with a single shot pneumatic as they don't see the point in the multi pump pneumatic anymore. Heard that direct from Webley

  8. Great news bakerboy I hope there are many many good years for you and your missus to come. Just take it each day as it comes and try not to now focus on the checkups.


    My Father was diagnosed with probably prostate cancer before Christmas 2012 and went for a biopsy (huge set of needs shoved up you) on Christmas Eve 2012, Jan 2013 he was diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer and early Feb 2013 he had it removed. He was a mess to start with and started to finally come to terms with it but he was always extremely worried about the 6 monthly checkups which meant he could never fully get over it. About 3 weeks ago he got the results back from over 2 years since the op and he has been given a 5% chance for it to come back and the hospital has officially handed him back to his GP for yearly checks instead fo 6 monthly. It's been a massive weight off his shoulders and hes now starting to live again.


    Take it as it comes mate, get through those checkups as each one comes around and don't look for the worst, stay positive and all the best in the future for you and your missus


    I put down for FAC air on the basis of getting a permission in the future,it was denied for club use on the basis that ,at 25 yds what can you do with an FAC rifle that you cant do with a sub 12 ft lb one?

    He just said when you get a permission then we shall add it on.

    I think it unlikely you will get one on the basis of club use in Nottingham.


    Cheers for the reply Rewulf, The range is up to 120 yards to the backstop but i can see the reasoning in their response i guess. I can go for my SGC but i would have liked to have grabbed both if possible at the same time.


    I'm going to look to get an introduction to one of the firearms clubs that shoot the range at some point but as facilities are quite low there i think getting 3-6 months probation cleared would be problematic as in all honesty I'm not even sure if they have club guns for people like myself who want to join and work towards a FAC, to use. I get the impression the firearms club there is very much closed to those already with a FAC and therefore their own equipment.

  10. Yes i agree i want it to be as close to original as possible,by the way what was the foot pounds these rifles produced when new?

    Depending who you speak to you get different answers. Generally 7.5-8.5ft lbs depending on the condition. You can get more if you put in an ox Spring to push it to 10ft lbs but it might get a bit twangy and lose accuracy.

  11. Nice, they are great little rifles.


    One word of advice though when he "boosts the power up" I'm guessing he'll fit an overrated spring, just be careful he doesn't fit a spring that's way too powerful for the rifle otherwise it'll get too twangy and it'll shoot like a bag of ****.


    The Mk2 I'm doing up is going to get a like for like replacement to bring it as near as i can get to its original power.

  12. Holy Necro post!


    Well it's been a long time but i've finally picked this back up again. Life intervened but I'm now back to get on with this and get them both restored.

    In the new few weeks I'm going to look to send the Airsporter off to Colin Malloy to be hot blued. I've tidied up the Airsporter stock a bit more and sanded and shaped it further, I've managed to work out some more of the dings on the stock too.
    I've gave it another wash down once i had finished today (see pics below). I also redefined the butt stock groves with a warding file as they had become squashed and misshapen (Pic below is of the meteor stock but has been done on both)

    Main reason I'm doing the stocks at the moment is I want to start applying Tru oil soon so i took the stock off my Mk 2 Meteor to tidy that one up before continuing with the Airsporter stock. I'll use the Meteor as a practice piece (obviously trying to make a good job of the Metor) then I'll move onto the Airsporter once I'm more confident.

    Side note anyone know what wood the Mk 2 Meteor stock is? (Lighter one)

    These were photos originally taken when i first opened the thread and you can see the stock conditions:


    Today's pics after i finished work and sat down with them (Darker one is the Airsporter):


    After Washing them down again:



    Filed out and redefined the butt stock groves on both (Meteor below)


  13. Where are you in Notts Zenduri ? I know lots of people with SGC/FAC who live in the roughest areas.

    As far as Im aware they cannot deny you based on where you live,as long as you comply with any any additional security they request .

    I was asked to fit a burglar alarm (I live in a pretty decent area) I asked if I had to,he said 'no not really,but if you go over 6 guns total I would rather you did'


    Edit,check on gumtree/admag for S/H gun safes ,thats where I got mine.

    Arnold area Rewulf


    Cheers for the response guys. Considering the station where the FLO is based is about half a mile up the road I wouldn't imagine it would be too much effort for them to swing buy to check a safe if i'm granted the cert(s)

  14. Cheers for the response guys its appreciated. I know the question about my mate giving my name was a weird one but it was something i had never thought of until last night for some reason. With regards to me I'm as clean as a whistle on all fronts so there shouldn't be any issues there.


    My only real concern is the safe as I don't want to fork out a few hundred quid if the FLO has concerns about security due to the area. With regards to the locaiton of the safe it would be out of view behind a locked door and bolted to the wall/floor so i cant see any issues there. I was just thinking if i can get the background checked and the interview out the way and the signs are good then I can get a safe, mount it, then get the FLO to pop around to check it considering they''re stationed less than half a mile away from me. Has anyone else done this re deferring getting a safe until the FLO has been?

  15. I apologize for this before hand and any silly questions that may come from this.


    Later in the year (summertime) I intend to apply for a SGC and FAC (FAC AIR to start as I can safely show reason for sporting purposes as part of a club). I've been a member of my local range's Airgun Club since July time and have had a bit more of hands on time with a few 12 gauges (separate from the previous odd clay shooting days) courtesy of a few chaps at the range who have been brilliant.


    I'm quite keen to apply for my certs and pick up some more experience and tutoring and Ideally I want to get the paperwork and cert requirements out the way around the middle of the year. My aim is to hopefully get approved for SGC and FAC air and at a later date get an introduction to the small bore club that fires our the range and add on a .22LR.


    However i do have a few concerns about applying and this is where my questions come from so here we go.


    1) EDIT: Ignoring this security question as just realized i asked this question last October in another thread


    2) Given I can meet the home security requirement but the area i live in isn't the best would it be advisable for me to hold off buying a safe until i've done my application, had the chat and then all going well buy the safe and get the FLO back to check it before progressing (Side not I live within half mile of the FLO's Station) I don't particularly want to buy the safe then find out i don't stand a cat in hells chance at getting a Cert


    3) This is possibly the strangest question i've ever asked and potentially the silliest so please bear with me.


    About 12 years ago when i first moved to Notts for Uni, I came here and house shared with another guy I went to School with who came to the same Uni. One night he decided to try and top himself on booze and a boots pharmacy worth of pain killers but fortunately I caught him mid way through and forced him to ring for his own ambulance to get himself sorted out. It was an intense situation and fortunately the tough love paid off and he has done wonders with his life since.


    HOWEVER, he confessed to me when the ambulance turned up that night he made the call he used my name instead of his as he was embarrassed so when the ambulance turned up and i dragged him over to them i was quite surprised they asked for me and not for him.

    I explained to the ambulance crew why he used my name and they acknowledged it but I am now wondering if my name will crop up anywhere on any medical records for a suicide bid and I'm now wondering did he use my name when he got to hospital.


    If anyone can shed any light on this as to if i am being ridiculous and paranoid or if this is something that may somehow scupper my application.


    Sorry for the wall of text but any genuine guidance is appreciated and no unhelpful comments please folks



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