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Posts posted by Neilwoody

  1. hi pigeon watch members..


    I'm just looking for any tips on vitamins or oils that I could add to my springer spaniels diet daily.hes four years old and he really struggles with bowel movement! If he has treats or dog bones etc other than his own food..I'm just looking to give his coat a boost as he's other wise fit,happy,and healthy.




  2. hi pigeon watch folk.

    New to this forum and just a quick introduction.i shoot pigeon in Widnes Cheshire and undertake fox control in the North Wales area.i have an English springer called 'stan'' who's four years old and been trained by myself.im currently awaiting my shotgun renewal to arrive so hopefully I'll be out and about shooting in the coming weeks/months and try and start a bit of a picture/video thread.anyways hi from me and happy shooting everyone. 😀

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