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Everything posted by IsaidDUCK!

  1. My 25 yr old son has several seaons under his belt, and last year was"headhunted" for a shoot that has 3,000 pheasants. It hadn't been used for over 10 years so he had to build a number of pens etc. He really loves the job itself but is completely fed up with the shooting agent. The management hierarchy doesn't help; Estate Owner - Shooting Agent - Game Keeper. The owner doesn't want anything to do with the birds until shoot days come around, therefore if my son has any problems or requests ie. more feeders, poults being clipped or not, he has to contact the Shooting Agent, who frequently doesn't reply to texts or won't answer his phone - presumably recognising the caller. But what the Shooting Agent says goes ! The Estate won't offer him a permanent job and put him on their pay roll, so my lad is self employed. Does the Shooting Agent usually wield so much power on the day to day running of a gamekeepers job ? Thanks
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