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  1. Amazing. I'm mocked for revealing I am Female, and then told to get off my high horse when I challenge those who mock me. Is this how you treat your wife/partner/daughters? LoneGunman, Out
  2. Thank you. Banter is fine. Mysogeny is not. Regards LoneGunman
  3. Thanks OF for Mansplaning what a woman needs Any more sexist assertions?
  4. Do you always shoot with tight chokes? I'll guess - no
  5. Why? Are you suggesting all PW monikers have to have some semblance of reality to those who create them?
  6. Thanks, Of; I find O/Us easier
  7. As a female shooter, shoild I delete my account, Tight Choke?
  8. Figgy called me a man and I corrected that assertion. Please, why is that funny?
  9. Sorry, why is this funny?
  10. Holland and Holland Royal, of course. Why?: looks, how it shoots. You? PS, Figgy, I'm a girl
  11. If you won, what would you buy?
  12. Here he is http://www.motorsportmagazine.com/opinion/motorcycles/remembering-nicky#.WSb54VaLcxV.twitter
  13. When shooting clays, only load two cartridges. Fellow at Sporting Targets was loading three. Challenged him; said he was practicing for S/A comp where three is what is used. Puzzled. Any advice?
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