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Brendan Anderson

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Posts posted by Brendan Anderson

  1. On ‎1‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 19:44, ClemFandango said:

    there is very little evidence to support the claim that Grey Squirrels are responsible for the egg thieving they are blamed for. Actually Corvids are far more common nest raiders. 

    I'm not saying it's not a worthy cause but may I also point out that the red squirrel is also a rodent and as such just as inclined to rob nests as the grey squirrel? 

    being ground nesting birds woodcock are also under threat from Hedgehogs, Badgers, Foxes, Stoats, Weasels etc etc. 

    I wish you luck in eradicating the Grey squirrel I truly do but it's impact on woodcock numbers will be minimal. 

    May be with all this technology that is about now we should be getting this evidence now 

  2. I would like to see everyone to start controlling the Grey Squirrel 
    I think you will find that it is the Grey Squirrel eating the Woodcock's eggs 
    That is the main reason for the decline of the Resident Woodcock 
    and it would be a feather in the Gamekeeper's and Hunters cap if we could get the Woodcock back 

    I Have a facebook group trying to sort out the Grey Squirrel problem if anyone wants to join 
     UK and Eire Squirrels The Grey Area 
    5,300 members up to now
    The Facebook Group for controlling Grey Squirrels 
    Looking for people to start to get organized to cull all the Grey squirrels in the UK and Eire
    So to totally remove the threat to the Native Red Squirrel 

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