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Posts posted by SteveieP

  1. Well, 2 quid was a nominal sum to risk

    Just thought that if it cost less than a pint of beer, if the worst came to the worst I'd drink the damn stuff.

    In fact I have drunk some & now keep sliding out of bed (just jokin' don't try this at home folks)

    Wondered if anyone else had given it a try, possibly in a more scientific manner & what the results were?

  2. A crude test but unlubed pellets stopped at page 400 (at 15 meters approx) of the Thompsom directory & lubed pellets went all the way through (approx 500 pages)

    Not exactly scientific, I know & lubing pellets has been advocated since the Cardew's were lads.

    Maybe it shifted crud out of the barrel, tho I tried it on 2 guns (whose barrels I thought were both clean) with similar results on each.

    Figured I couldn't go too far wrong at only £2 for a (tiny) bottle.

    Any views good,bad or neutral on the product?

  3. I was over at a popular gun shop near Doncaster (name withheld) to buy a silencer, weekend before last.

    Old guy on the Airguns section just asked me to put my details in his book, without looking at or asking for any ID

    I could have put Mickey Mouse of Disneyland cos he didn't check!

    If I'd wanted to remain anonymous I'd have paid cash & made up some garbage personal details.

    Yes, I'm clearly well over the age to make the purchase & you can't do much damage with a silencer on it's own, but it makes you wonder.

    I've mad online purchases before the ban & there was probably more info' kept on me then via credit card details & mailing instructions, than there is now.

  4. That's a mighty tight budget for scopes.

    However, you can get a 3x9x40 Mildot if you're not snobby about the stuff from SMK

    Have a look at this site


    You'll need a set of medium mounts

    Suggest J Ramsbottoms who, not so long ago, mailed me a pair of Accushot double screw mounts with retractable stop pin for a postage-included £12 quid. Don't go for the SMK mounts if you can afford not to

    Add in the postage for the scopes & you may be just over your £40 budget, but not by mutch

    The scopes are a lot better than the price suggests. I'm currently using :-



    3)3X9X40 (ZOOM)

    All 3 scopes are just fine & are little different to some of the Hawke stuff at double the price.

  5. You chaps may care to have a look at this link to a vid' on youtube to see a .50 cal' in action.

    There are also other unfortunate vid's on Youtube of the same gun in use in Afghanistan where at about a mile distance Afghan snipers get variously vaporised & arms come off etc.

    Appreciate the vid's show a Barrett .50 cal in action, but still shows the immense clout things of this caliber have.

    Cut & paste the link below into your browser.

    If you want to look at the truly grisly stuff you can find it for yourself


  6. Sad to say the gun snobs are out in force again.

    Yes, the low-end SMK stuff is pants but we don't all have the dosh (or if we do, the inclination to spend it) to buy a top-end rifle.

    The SMK XS36 underlever is probably not the gun for you however. It's big & on the heavy side (tho no worse in weight than a Weihrauch HW97). It also takes a little work & knowledge to get it to work & shoot smooth. The stock is a bit prone to nicks & the blueing isn't great. Other than that, the mechanics are reasonably solid

    However, contrary to clearly uninformed opinion expressed by others, it's surprisingly accurate (10p sized groups at 20 meters & 30 meter kills, no problem)

    If you still fancy an SMK, go for the XS20. Much better quality, the blueing & machining are excellent & it's a pound or so lighter. It's a good copy of the Weihrauch HW95K (or Beeman R9 if you like) right down to the copy of the Rekord trigger. Shoots around the 11.6 or 11.7 ft/lb mark. It's scopes only, so you'll have to factor in the extra cost of some optics, but then not too many use open sights for hunting.

    The XS36 isn't made by the same manufacturer as the XS20 tho both imported into the UK under the SMK brand.

    Don't waste your money on the custom stock version, it's not worth the extra. The standard stock is good enough & actually made from an exotic hardwood only found in the hills of China, tho rather boringly it just looks like a tight-grained beech. LOL

    It's as accurate as you're likely to get with a non-tuned springer so take no notice of this "couldn't hit the side of a barn door" cobblers.

    New will probably set you back £120 to £140 (which I accept is 2nd hand BSA money, so pays yer money & takes yer choice)

    It was a bit disappointing to see some of the comments on this thread, as you might have expected to see knowledgeable & balanced opinion on an airgun forum.

  7. Yep, sure looks like the Mark4 with it's original open sights & original colour / finish to the stock.

    Can I recommend that, if you're going to put scopes on it, that you either get a 1 piece mount or a scope arrestor block to use with a 2 piece mount. They're little ******* for scope-creep

  8. As well as a breach seal, you might want to consider a piston seal & a piston buffer washer (depending on the model).

    The buffer washer in my old mark 4 had degraded to crud over the years.

    A few quid more now on the internals means you won't have to do another major overhaul for years.

    Also watch out for that spring! There's a surprising amount of pre-tension to get it in place, which is how it makes up the power on a physically small rifle with a short piston stroke.

    The Meteor will do the job you have in mind. Well mine still does & I've had it for 33 years.

  9. I think I just lost the will to live!

    All I can say is when you look down the scope & things look smaller, don't pull the friggin' trigger cos you're about to shoot yourself in the gob & you're holding the gun by the dangerous end.

    That's the best & last advice on scopes

  10. The reason fpe is measured at the muzzle is, that's where the energy of the projectile is greatest.

    How can a pellet continue to accelerate beyond the muzzle when there's nothing pushing it anymore?

    After escaping the muzzle, friction (with the air) & gravity do their stuff on the projectile which pretty soon succumbs in terms of trajectory & velocity.

    Someone is talking cobblers & Isaac Newton is merrily spinning in his grave now that his 1st & 2nd laws of motion just went out the window.

  11. A good springer on a budget?

    Gun snobs stop reading here!

    Just before the online sales ban, decided I fancied an new "shoot'n Iron" but not got a lot of dosh, what to do?

    Local online retailer hasn't got his FA dealers licence thro & was unloading stock.

    SMK XS20 copy of the Weihrauch HW95K (or Beeman R9 copy if you prefer) in .22

    Gun £80 Scopes 3-9x40 Mildot £25 Accushot mounts £12 total £117 fetched it myself to save £10 postage.

    Metalwork=excellent, Stock=plenty good enough, trigger=copy of the HW Rekord trigger excellent, Accuracy=as good as any springer i ever had in 33 years of airgunning, power= right up there where it should be.

    Alright, so it's not a HW95K or R9 but barring a few minor cosmetic differences, you'd be hard pressed to tell in any regard that matters. More importantly for me, the rig didn't cost me the £300 I haven't got.

    I'm not about to get into the cheap imports argument & no doubt some of the low end SMK stuff is pants. However, for the money it looks & performs like the dogs danglies.

    Squirrel had the audacity to enter my garden just an hour ago. Only a 20 meter shot, but a single headshot exactly where I put the cross hairs. Game over.

    Reasonable quality squirrel-slayer, on a budget, can be done

  12. Saw a piece of video on Youtube of a multishot adapter for the s400 but you have to manually index it

    i.e yo have to push the adapter round with your finger to bring the next pellet in front of the probe.

    No idea where you'd get em from

  13. The Cometa should be producing up near 12 ft/lb.

    An aftermarket spring would come in at under £20 (it doesn't have to be a Cometa spring as there are equally good & better alternatives)

    Whilst I accept you would have to pay a fitting charge if you're not happy to do the replacement yourself, it sounds like something is mighty wrong.

    I'd take it back & complain like hell!

  14. Yes you can legally switch barrels. There's even one rifle (tho I can't remember the make at the moment) which comes with 2 barrels as standard.

    I have the feeling that putting a .177 barrel onto a .22 action won't have the effect you desire, other than a .177 has a higher muzzle velocity anyway, for a given power output.

    I seem to recall that for example with the Theoben gas rams that you have a higher rated one for .177 than for .22 to produce the same muzzle energy for the different calibers.

    So my money is on; it will either make no difference or be less powerful than before.

    If your using a springer, why not treat yourself to a new mainspring. Jon Knibbs will sell you a Titan XS for £17 inc postage, but I'd be inclined to run it over a chrony afterwards.

    Those Titans have a habit of being a bit longer & a few more coils than the original spring.

    You wanna make sure you're still within legal parameters for "oomph"

  15. If it helps to consider the scale of the situation, there are an estimated 4 million air weapons in circulation in the UK.The government doesn't stand much chance of getting that number licensed because no one knows where they all are.

    The only viable option to start trying to address the issue is to restrict the sale so that new owners are adult, whose purchase is registered & can then be traced. The system then falls down because the gun can be sold on & neither the purchaser nor vendor need declare the transaction.

    All the VCR bill will do in it's current state is prevent underage sales & casual purchases.

    The majority of weapon crimes involve knives, shops restrict sales, but that stops nothing.

    Hand guns are banned but regularly used in crime & the ban hasn't reduced their illegal use.

    Shotguns are licensed but some are still illegally held & /or still used in crime

    It's a problem for which there is no true cure.

    The VCR bill is just the government giving a nod & a wink to something they can't really cure & so they can be seen to be doing something rather than nothing.

    It's one of those things which you can't fix. Even if fully regulated & licenced there's always going to be one nutter .......e.g 6 shot dead in a school in Norway this last week.

    On a lighter note ponder this:-

    I betcha if the government could regulate the production & supply of marijuana they'd make it legal & slap tax & VAT on it. It's only that supply is out of their hands that keeps it illegal.

    Lets see if I can get thro another 40 years without smoking a spliff or committing an armed robbery

  16. it's hard to imagine how a spring will make up the extra 2ft lb just by bedding in.

    It may not sound like a lot of difference but it is substantial

    What gun is it & what was it putting out before the spring was changed?

    What spring do they say they put in it?

    Personally I don't think you can whack a Titan XS spring but even then I'm inclined to refinish the spring ends to a "glass smooth" finish & get some moly grease on those spring ends

  17. I restored my BSA Meteor Mk4 a little over 12 months ago.

    My dad (God rest him) bought it for me in 1974 for £14 quid (new) as a first gun & I will never part with it.

    You will get all the parts at airgunspares (which is the website for J Knibbs who are just north of Birmingham) & mentioned by an earlier poster

    Don't be put off by the website, (which is totally pants & just an advert for the Titan XS mainspring)

    If you're in doubt as to the year or model, they'll be able to tell you from the serial number on the gun.

    Just phone 'em up at the number on the website & tell 'em what bits you need they'll give you a price

    You might end up paying £30 quid for the parts you listed

  18. Generally you would expect an objective lens of 44mm or more to require high mounts for a scope mounting directly on to the receiver.

    However, if your gun has a scope rail which sets the mounts a tad higher to start with, you may get away with medium mounts at 44mm objective.

    50mm objective, you probably need high mounts

  19. With Swarovski scopes STARTING that's STARTING at £450.00 quid you'd better hope you never drop the ****** or you'll probably chuck yourself under a bus afterwards.

    For a novice on a budget AGS, Hawke or even SMK do a 3x9x40 mildot that won't break the bank nor your heart (if you drop it)

    As to any of these 3, you will be hard pressed to tell one from the other bar the name badge as they probably all came out of the same factory in China. They all work reasonably well tho not in the Swarovski class (nor price bracket)

    Get some decent mounts tho'. I bought some Accushot mounts from J Ramsbottoms a month ago for £12 quid inc postage (a bargain) tho probably not right for your particular rifle. All I'm saying is shop around.

    Don't be put off by the low price of some of theses optics, you may not need a Rolls Royce to get you from A to B when "Ford Fiesta Money" will get you there with enough left over to go to the pub on.

    Yes I accept the "you get what you pay for" argument but everybody aint got meggabucks to lavish in the first palce.

  20. The idea is to get the lowest mounts you can, with the objective lens clearing the receiver, breach or any other metalwork.

    That way you get the most latitude in terms still being "on target" for a distance both before & beyond your zero.

    For example, I have an underlever with a 4 x 40 where the objective only has 2mm of clearance over the receiver :good:

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