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Posts posted by Loki

  1. Hi

    I concur with JKD re his comment 'Ticking the right box can sometimes take precedence over outright ability sadly'.

    At my 'coal-face' there are many that just don't want to do anything, and just as many that can spout the policies/smoke in the sky ideas and rise to esoteric heights, but can't do a basic observation of the facts on the ground (Google used to avoid site visits!) let alone marking/setting out on site - upto Assist Director. Very happy to pass the buck and say 'You sign it off...'.


  2. Hi Robden

    Re the Maple Syrup - if you can get to a Costco, their Kirkland Maple Syrup is a pretty fine Maple Syrup!

    I have tried all the Canadian no.1, no. 2 etc. available on the shelves of Tesco/Sainsbury et al, and cannot find anything near as and not including additives.

    Just saying...after picking up 2 tankards yesterday!

    I suppose the best would be direct out of tree as an Oz chum does but not for us here on this wee Island 🙁


  3. Westley

    Stone-chips this time of year are a hazard due to Local Councils 'tar-spraying & chipping' road surfaces as a cheap means of given a bit more life to the road (leastways around here)...........

    The signs say '20pmh max' but few adhere, even if they do a granite chip held in the tread will get thrown out and chip a passing or behind car at some point.

    I've been caught a few times - worst = new screen; 2 others repaired - 1 was invisible (Autoglass on insurance, paid excess) and the other shows (chum running a garage).


  4. Hi

    Looking back at WW2 - the Russians over-run German Military Forces by sheer weight of numbers.........The T34 tank was poor in terms of engineering, but the numbers that came out of the factories, overcame any engineering/quality on the German side.

    It will come down to how long the West can accommodate 'military assistance' (always with the fall-back that Ukraine has to payback over many years (nothing free - hey?) - we in the UK only just paid back the Amerikans not many years back for the 'assistance' in WW2.....

    Attrition comes to mind - when does a 'cause' (policy/belief et all) start loosing you money.........



  5. Hi

    Given that most cars seem to be 'over-cooked' I doubt if you could say with 'beyond reasonable doubt' which particular vehicle and how it was the cause/start of the fire.

    Mis-information and theories will abound in the 'fog of environmental activisim' - if electric this will be surpressed but any other form of power - ..'yes, that was the one that done it, get rid of'!




  6. Good morn Gordon

    Great project and outcome - well done to all making it happen.

    I would suggest Sadolin - I have used this for many years and does the job well in my experience.

    There is a 'standard' coat (green tin, 2 coats recomended) and then the Sadolin One-Coat. Obviously others experience and wood treatments used will vary.


    PS - I have also used Cuprinol? Ducksback - does last more than 2-3 years and so near to the 5 indicated if instructions followed. No doubt depends on environment you are in.

  7. Hi

    May I suggest leaving a copy of any Certificate in the glovebox risque - leaves your address and what kit in the hands of someone who may be chancing/pilfering in your vehicle.....

    I keep copies in every slip, so naer a chance not to have on hand. Having said this it is for Feds (who have access to National Firearms Licencing Management System?) to accept a copy or not........just saying.



  8. Hi

    I would suggest that account number and sort code provides (perhaps needs account name too) adequate to set up a Directr Debit, which some banks (Natwest as I found out) will cancel but the 'other party' has enough details to just set up again for the following month!

    Even though I instructed Natwest not to permit any further DD from said 'Utility Company (folded), each month they were able to set up a new one.......your bank may have a different 'policy'.


  9. Hi

    If you may need to rely on warranty do check if it is to the original owner, with original receipt etc. or transferable.

    On other Forums seems some people were not helped by Hawke...........just saying.

    Leupold, Bushnell, Vortex, Minox? et al seem to hold the 'lifetime-warranty' no questions asked. 


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