Just a couple of pics of my recently cobbled together night time rabbit set up.
I've just had the rifle a couple of weeks and I'm very pleased with it. Shoots RWS and Aguila subs very well although I had to trim a few coils off the recoil spring to get it to cycle reliably. I'm waiting on a trigger kit at the minute to improve on the factory trigger, which takes a lot a getting used to after shooting cz452 with a yodave kit fitted. SAK mod robbed off my hmr.
The home made night vision is the same as the set up detailed in the Crafts and DIY section, so thanks to all who shared their advice so freely. It's based on a EJ230 bullet camera and I'm using it with a 501b with an AHorton lens and IR pill from DaveG. It took a bit of fiddling to get it set up right, but it's now giving a clear picture out to 80ish yds with eye shine detected at about 120ish.
Thanks for looking