Went to have another go at shooting some rabbits this afternoon.With all the rain we had the other day the farm track was full of puddles in the tractor ruts.
I could tell someone had been down before me and when i got to where i was going to shoot one of the farmers had moved two larsen traps to the area.
One had a crow in and another a few hundred yards away had a magpie.
They had been moved there today as they were not there yesterday.
Both the crow and magpie had been placed near to where a few rabbits usually sit out.
I got settled down and after a while a rabbit did appear but it was very jittery and i could only put it down to the birds in the larsen traps.
After watching for an hour and seeing the odd rabbit come out into the open only to be frightened by the birds flying about in the traps i moved.
The good thing is the traps do get moved usually every few days so should be back to normal soon.
Managed to get another five today so i keep getting numbers down slowly.