Got settled down at 1830 and shot first rabbit at 1835.Thought this might be a good night with getting off to an early kill.
Then i saw something moving just inside the tree cover and obscured by nettles growing down the wood side.
Out popped a fox cub and i was in plain view with a camo jacket on and a face mask and a liver and white spaniel laid beside me.
I could hardly believe it when two more cubs came and joined the first cub and were sniffing about where i had shot the rabbit not more than twenty five yards away.
I was just about to swing the gun on them when they went back into cover as quick as they had appeared.
I got the gun swung round and squeaked and waited about five minutes.
Then about 50yards away to my left a larger fox appeared looked about and just went back in the wood.
Never saw them again but i left them two nice rabbits to eat as they seem to have eaten the others i have been leaving.