BASC Introduction to Wood Pigeon Shooting Course. OK Pigeon Watch members; as promised Flycoy and I have been in contact with the powers that be at Marford Mill (BASC Head Office) . We now need to know numbers to put forward a proposal to hold The BASC Introduction to Wood Pigeon Shooting Course’s in the North, North West and North East. Would you please make your choice in this poll, We have also allowed a space for “other” so areas away from the 3 suggestions on offer can also be taken into consideration; if you choose “other” would you be so kind as to PM me with your suggestion, we promise to look at all areas suggested. The number required at each venue would be 12-15, we can accommodate more, the course's will be held on a Saturday or Sunday, and last approximately 6 hours . The cost would be (£45.00 BASC Members, Non BASC Members £65:00) Content will include • The law and general licences • Quarry identification • Safety when shooting in hides • Reconnaissance and hide building • Respect for quarry • Pigeon shooting equipment • Decoys and their use • Hide discipline • Coaching - Shooting from a hide approximately 10/15 shots per person.
A certificate will be issued at the end of the course, this can and does prove useful when asking for permissions. So over now to you the Pigeon Watch Massive. The poll will run for two weeks Bakerboy and Flycoy