It was a perfect evening here for a bit of a zeroing session with the Hmr, so set off to the farm at 5,30. As I arrived and walked down to the zeroing spot, a rabbit popped out of the grass and hopped into the wood at 60 yards away. Tempting, but I wanted to make sure the rifle was bang on. Targets x2 out at 100 yards, 5 shots in each, and following my adjustments from the other day, it was absolutely spot on the bull I collected the targets and thought I would just hang around incase a bunny appeared. Sure enough, slightly past my target range at 102 yards one popped out. Crosshairs on the head, squeeze and no1 in the bag. As I lined up on the first one, a second appeared. I thought he would scoot at the shot, but he just seemed slightly curious as to what was going on. At 120yards he dropped too with a clean head shot. Lovely evening for a sniping session