My son has been type 1 diabetic for 2 years and his school,to date,have been very supportive.However,yesterday ,while moving from one room to another,he was made to leave his bag (containing glucose tablets) behind as the class was in a hurry,During the next hour he became aware that his blood sugar was dropping (this lesson was the one prior to lunch) and asked if he could go to the medical room to take the appropriate action,His request was denied by 2 teachers (after the first teacher said no he turned to the second in the hope that she would see sense),by the end of the lesson he was visibly shaking and just managed to make it to the classroom where his bag had been left (next door).Half an hour after eating his lunch and a drinking can of coke his blood sugar was 4 which prooves that his levels were way too low.I rang the school yesterday and complained to the Headmaster who said that he would speak to the members of staff immediatly and call me back-I am still waiting for his call 24 hours later,What would you consider a fair action to take?