We have an Irish Terrier, which we got when she was 5 months old (about a year ago).
When we got her we took her to obedience training and she did really well.
She knows how to sit, stay and comes back to the whistle - well she does for me and not so much for my wife.
After a couple of issues over the past 2 months (caught her on the kitchen counter twice in the past fortnight, not returning to call and being a general **** to other dogs it appears that my wife have had enough.
D'Arcy (aka the dog) is a lot more obedient when I am around (I walk her before work and wife walks her during the day and at night)
Can someone please recommend be a decent dog trainer that will be able to focus on obedience training or I'll have to unwillingly rehome our dog.
D'Arcy goes shooting with me and although she only ever completed one retrieve I enjoy her company on and off the field.
All recommendations will be much appreciated.