Back in the early months of this year a keeper friend accosted a poacher who had his dog down on a deer. Caught in the act the poacher person asked, "do you want to keep your guns". Somewhere along the line the poachers wife appeared and accused the keeper of threatening to shoot her husband, which he had not done. Immediately the keeper phoned police and explained the situation, never the less his guns were impounded until after the case came to trial. In the witness box the husband and wife gave widely different tales on several issues. Including if husband had heart attack in Scotland or Ireland, also wife did not know if gun cabinet was in house in Scotland, stating that if it had been she would have been aware. To cut the story short the keeper was completely cleared of those false accusations and has now got his guns back. He did have considerable legal costs while his accusers got a free pass out. Apparently in Scotland they could not in turn have been prosecuted for perverting the course of Justice or wasting police time. Would the same rules apply south of the Border? Meantime anyone with a grudge against a certificate or license holder could make the same accusations and should it be 2 : 1 as in the above case it leaves an honest law abiding citizen in a vulnerable position.