So totally out of the blue today came the txt to say that the Squizzer feeders were up and running and that, over the last week, one area in particular was being hammered. I know the spot well - it's a tiny copse with no more than 10 trees that seems to attract the furry blighters like moths to a light. Easy foray I think to myself as I hunt for the mag to my S410 - the mag that has been in my way for the last 6 months every time I am looking for something else. After eventually finding my spare one I begin the hunt for my hat - you know, the one that's been hanging around for ages. Half an hour later (and quite a bit of Anglo Saxon language) I give up the search for said hat and gather my kit together. Wellies? Did I think that they would be in the Welly box in the workshop......nope, not anywhere to be seen so it's another 10 minutes of foul language fighting with the laces of my walking boots. Finally, a quick call to Thames Valleys boys in blue to get a reference number to clear me shooting in a public area but guess what? 3/4 of an hour and nobody answered the phone. I give up!! I surrender!! I sat back down on the sofa and the dog jumped up and stared at me - pretty sure he knew he would get a second walk now. Sometimes things just ain't meant to be .