This week its been time to try out the Pea Drill as its been attracting the woodies in abundance
Decided to go out at 6am and try my luck, trouble was no wind at all this might not be very productive?
Thought i would travel light today and use my 20g sxs English which only weighs 5lb 3oz also to add a bit of variety i was going to try just using real bird, so first problem of the day try to shoot one and then build the pattern with any luck?
Well hide up and a pigeon flew straight over my head bang and it was down in a flash my first bird for the pattern!!!
First hour continued to be good and was fast and furious had 15 on the floor but had to move the pattern 3 times as the wind was now getting up and just my luck it kept changing direction and the birds were now struggling to get in over the pattern which made hitting the target just that bit harder.....
By midday i had 44 birds on the deck and easily shot another 10 but as usual a few flew off trailing blood and feathers to drop a field or two away!!!
All good fun for a mornings work and the dog enjoyed herself again, this is her first proper seasons work and am we ll pleased with her shes turning out to be spot on.
Weve had quite a few hundred birds now in this area on various drilled crops so fingersXd the Peas could turn out to be good this year.
We havent had Peas for over 30 years on this farm so am looking forward to some good shooting?