Back out on the fresh drill in Essex again today at 6.30am a nice bright day but also a little breeze.
To my surprise Birds were already going down on the new drill as i opened the gates it looked promising and now where should i set up?
Decided i shall set up on the end of a hedge with wind and the sun behind me. Rotary with hypa flappers and 16 shells plus 1 Rook flocked decoy all set up in front ready to go.
Just as i finished setting up the hide and pegging the net down the first bird swooped in from behind, bang 1 for the pot a good start.
The morning carried on in good succession bird after bird dropping in on the ever increasing grey mass in front of me.
For once i had set up the rotary in the correct spot with no need to move it for the whole morning.
Total birds for the day 83 picked including 2 rooks and a jackdaw not a bad mornings work for me and the dog.......
Took me a while to pick up this lot and also many stragglers littered on the field on the way back up the track
All shot with my new English sxs wot a great sporting day hopefully more to come on drilled peas next week.