Good evening gents,
I'm getting quite a few requests to ping the rabbits. Most of the permissions i have been lucky enough to get are for pigeon shooting put things simply, vast amounts of ground (OSR is a main crop) are devoid of birds.
I'm getting something along the lines of ".....bloody rabbits everywhere.......try here there and everywhere". Very unusual at this time of year in Norfolk.
I've been out quite a lot having a look this week. I've seen more rabbit for a long long time out in the day. Less than i expected to see at night. A lot of the trouble is the state of the headlands, I don't like churning up the ground or risk getting stuck.
Last year I shot more rabbit going down a hedgerow and sitting it out than driving round in a truck. I tried doing this last week and the temp got to -4C and the chill factor was gawd knows what. It wasn't pleasant!
So getting back to the question. Have you got a lot of rabbit and what is your preferred approach this time of year?
I had a quick scout round last night and got these.
Any opinions and advice greatly welcomed.