I have never had any sucess over bean stubble, although everybody seems to think it's top shooting. I went for a ride around yesterday to see if i could find a feeding flock and came across this field (which i did not expect to be cut yet) and found no pigeons on it at all, a couple flew over but had no intention on landing.
It is actually 4 big fields sort of made into 1, and would be a couple hundred acres now all told and is a difficult place to shoot due to the size and it is not totally flat so a decoy set up even with a whirly going might be missed by passing birds over the field, but it does have its favourite spots which is where i usually shoot.
One of the fields had been ploughed, one was being spread with manure and two were still stubble with lots of beans on the floor but no birds whatsoever. By the time i would be able to return next week, it will probably be all ploughed.
Three questions:-
1 - somebody has suggested to me that because beans are so big and they don't need many, the birds feed first light fill their crop and that's it for the day, so if that is true, is afternoon shooting no good ?
2 - how long does it take for a bird to digest a full crop ?
3 - if the fields are ploughed will any (or enough) beans be left exposed to warrant a shoot, or forget it ?